Request - Burn - VanToonz - ANGST!

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For  @ohmygoodlol, this is a short one but... MUAHAHA ANGST for you people >:D finally something different, not that your other requests are wrong or boring but they all spiral in Smut, you, my little sinners that I love. 

Anyways I hope you enjoy

I love you all people <3

P.S: bring your tissue box. 


Luke POV:

I sobbed as I read the note, all the memories coming and making me remember 

Your love is like a drug, I can't leave it, even if I want to, I can still remember that night you asked me to be your boyfriend, I remember when you hugged my hips and pulled me closer to your chest.

Remember our first night?

I do.

I remember you told me you loved me.

You told me I was your everything. That you couldn't live without me...

But you could...

I wish I could be like you... to live without you just like you did.

You were the one who broke my heart, you're the one who picked me up to push me down again.

Yet I still love you but I don't want to, I want to forget about you, I don't want you in my life.

But your marks on my skin are now permanent tattoos.

My brother told me

"Be careful with that one, love He will do what it takes to survive."

My friends told me

"You've married an Icarus, he has flown to close too the sun"

I remember I thought you were mine, every letter you send me when you were away working.

  You told the whole world how you brought
This girl into our bed 

  You, you, you... 

 I'm erasing myself from the narrative
Let future historians wonder how Evan
Reacted when you broke his heart
You have torn it all apart
I am watching it


Watching it burn

The world has no right to my heart
The world has no place in our bed
They don't get to know what I said
I'm burning the memories
Burning the letters that might have redeemed you
You forfeit all rights to my heart
You forfeit the place in our bed
You'll sleep in your office instead
With only the memories
Of when you were mine

I hope that you burn 

I cried as I read the letter, that was burned on the sides, I kept reading it over and over, I felt guilt rise over my body

"I regret everything I've done" I whispered as tears formed in my eyes 

"I'm sorry Mr. Patterson, this where the few things we could recover from the fire" the cop handed me a burned ring...HIS burned engagement ring and his necklace, with the photo of our wedding inside. Tears rolled down my face as I put on his necklace

"Is there anything else? anything else made it out?" I asked the cop

"I'm sorry Mr. Patterson, but your whole office was burned to the ground, everything is burned to ashes

"Officer Thomson, we found something.... someone in the office" I turned and stood up

"What do you mean?"

"We found.... a body between the rubble of the fire" my heart sunk, I felt my blood froze and my whole world stopped

"Show me the body" I walked behind the cop and we reached the stretcher where he was laid, his body covered in a white blanket, I softly pulled the cover off of his head and looked him, his eyes closed just like his mouth, I sobbed and cupped his face

"Evan..... I'm so sorry, I should have been here, I should have loved you like you love me... I do love you... but it's too late to tell you.... that I love you" I put my forehead on his and kissed his soft lips one last time "I never meant to hurt you" I sobbed and looked at him before they took him away from me, I dropped on my knees and cried in my hands as I held his letter "I love you, Evan...... please.... don't leave me" I sobbed and looked up at the sky as the ashes still rained down from the fire 

"I hope that you burn" I turned to see Jonathan, Evan's brother crying "You deserve to burn" and he walked away, leaving me with my remorse for the rest of my life.

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