Mr.Popular 5 - H2OVanoss

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Luke POV:

"Wait?! you're his brother?!" said that stupid guy.

"Yes I am, and I'll repeat one more time, stay away! from my little brother!" I screamed and walked to the exit looking at Jon just sobbing quietly, I drove home slowly looking to my side to see Jon looking outside

---time skip---

I parked on the yard and Jon immediately ran inside the house crying, I walked inside closing the door behind as Ryan walked out of the kitchen eating a bowl of ice cream, cookies and liquid chocolate

"Wha' happened?" he asked with his mouth full

"Evan happened" I sighed and walked to the couch rubbing my temples

"What happened with that guy?" 

"I don't know but he was grinding against Jon and calling him names"

"That bastard, how does he look like so I can give him what he deserves for-"

"No Ryan, he is the most popular guy around school, I don't what you to get more bullying"


"Ryan" I looked at him with a serious look as he only lowered his head.

"Yes big brother"

"Listen, is because you both are my little brothers and I want you to be okay, and we both know you and Jon have a trauma, and you are easily triggered"

"I know" he whispered.

"Come here" I hugged him as he hugged me back.

"I have to do homework, I'll be in my room." he said and walked away.

"I'll be with Jon" I stood up walking to Jon's room knocking softly "Jon? can I come in?" I heard sobbing and crying .

"Yes" I slowly opened the door and closed it once I was inside and as soon as I was on his bed he hugged me tight as he cried on my chest.

"Jon it's okay, it's over now"

"H-He was holding me a-and he-"

"Shhh everything it's okay, don't remember"

"How can I forget? he was doing the same thing as-" I hugged him tight as my fingers ran through his hair

"Shhh... don't remember, you are safe now, I'm here and I'll always protect you and Ryan"

"Are you always going to be here?" he looked at me with red teary eyes

"Always" he hugged me tight and then I heard the door opened to see Ryan with his bunny hoodie "Come here Ryan" he ran to us and he joined the hug

"You are the best big brothers ever" sobbed Jon

"And you are the best little brother we could have asked for" Ryan and me said at the same time

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