The reason...

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Guys I can't tell you how happy I am for this, you've made my craziest dream come true, I never thought I could hit 10 followers and now look at that, 122, that's a lot of people, and I also never thought I could finish or start one book, now I'm making a second book and I have this one.

I can't thank you enough for making this pathetic life more interesting and making me happy, something I don't do anymore. Every time I see someone comment or votes or adds my stories it gives me another reason to continue living, my head is always running with my past and suicidal thoughts, yet every time I see a comment you pull me out of those thoughts, when you vote you make my day and make me smile, when you follow me it makes think that, maybe my work isn't so bad.

I hurt myself because I blame myself for everything that happens around me, I hate myself, and yet all of you people (or at least most of you) seem to care.I think that, maybe I'm not so alone as I thought.

I can't thank you enough, but I can say this, YOU, the person behind the screen, YOU the one reading this in your phone, YOU... Are the reason I'm alive. YOU managed to make my life so much better. So all I can say is YOU matter to me, I might just be a writer to you or just a person but I'm proud to call YOU my friend, so, for this and much more. Thank you.

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