My lunch part 1 (MiniCat)

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A/N: more like this are coming <3


Tyler POV:

I was walking though the wood in my animal shape, I love to feel free as a white tiger you feel strong and fast. I saw a rabbit eating in front of me, I crouched looking at my lunch, I was about to jump but a fox jump before me and start chasing the rabbit

"Hey that is my lunch!" I scream as I run after that fox 'he will be my lunch then' I said to myself as I kept running though the woods, I stopped and sniffed around 'where are you stupid fox?' I walked as I sniffed his essence finally getting to his burrow 'here you are you little rat' with my paws I gathered dirt and mud to cover the first entrance, once it was fully covered I walked to the other side that was a few meters away from the entrance

"Hey, I think you steal my lunch" I sat in front of the entrance

"Who is that?" I listen to his voice, he sounded a little scared and with his mouth full, also he had a weird accent

"You stole my lunch, so come here and give it back to me or you will be my new lunch!"

"Try and catch me if you can" he said in a mocking tone

"If you want it that way!" I start to dig making the hole bigger so I could fit, as I start to see his tail in the dark the hole was big enough for me to walk in it "you were saying?!" he gasped and ran to the other side of the burrow finding it closed "going somewhere?" I walk close to him, I couldn't see very well but the fear and horror were in his face

"Please don't hurt me, I didn't know that was your lunch" he start to scratch the mud and dirt

"Oh come on, you did know, you are just-" I stopped as I saw the managed to break the wall of mud that I made "no you are not going away!" I jumped out and fall in front of him, he looked into my eyes with fear and his tail between his legs, I roar making him fall to the ground with his ears to the back

"Please don't hurt me" he squeaked with tears in his eyes, I walked closer with my paws in each side of his head, I lean to sniff him, he trembled when I got my face close to his

"what is wrong with you? Aren't you going to fight?" he nodded and he looked at me, I looked at his face 'god he is cute... wait what? Not he is a fox and I am a tiger no way' I growled "so?"

" I won't I don't have any chance of winning" he cried, I looked at his fur 'it looks so soft, his color is so perfect', I sighed and pull him by the skin in his back "what are you doing? Aren't you going to kill me?" he sobbed

"No, you... I don't know you have something"

"Something? Like what?" a loud sound scared us making him jump under me, his burrow collapsed "well... there goes my home" I looked at him underneath me

"What are you doing?"

"Sorry I-"

"I didn't say I didn't like it" I smirked as he blushed

"What do you mean?"

"You have something, I like your fur and your face" I turn him around facing me still underneath my white fur

"You like me?"

"Yes I do"

"But... we just met, and you are a tiger"

"Yes but we have something in common" I changed me shape to human and he also did, his curly hair and all of him was beautiful

"Why you are looking at me like that?" I looked into his green eyes, I sat in his hips and put his hand at the sides of his head

"Because you are beautiful" he blushed

"Emmm... didn't you wanted to kill me?"

"No" I lean to his ear "I wanted to eat you"

"I-I don't know I-" I lean with a few inches separating our lips

"My name is Tyler"

"I am Craig"

"I love your name"

A/N: what do you want next? Evan and Jonathan or Brian and Brock? You tell me <3

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