Chapter Two: Come What May

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Just like yesterday, I wandered down the streets of the Big Apple. To some, New York would seem dirty and dangerous. But I thought it was beautiful. Cars and people always moving. Tall buildings reflecting the light of the Sun. The chaos made it beautiful. And that's why I loved it.

The Summer sun was particularly hot today and as I passed yet another Starbucks, I couldn't resist. I didn't have much on me but enough to buy a small Chocolatey Double Chip Cappuccino. I had only went here once before and I knew that was good.

I swung the door open and was surprised at the line. There was like three people in front of me. But I was determined for my drink so I waited.

The door chimed behind me, signaling yet another customer had come into the room. I relaxed as I breathed in the scent of coffee. Almost hypnotized, my eyes drifted to the snacks. The cake pops did look good...

I shook my head slightly and tightened my hand on the five dollar bill clutched in my grasp. That was all the spending money I had. Disappointed, I stepped forward and ignored the burst of anxiety the came when ordering. The older girl, about eighteen, nodded and smacked her gum while plugging the order into the cash register. I was about to give her the five when the customer behind me spoke up.

"I'll pay for her drink."

Surprised I pivoted and looked at the kind stranger. Well not really a stranger.

"Hello again." Lin said smiling.

"What are you doing here?" I said not being able to hold back my surprise.

Lin gestured to the back of the store, "Coffee. Although it's kind of turned into a coffee run as Pippa and Renée asked for something."

I nodded before stepping out of his way. His phone beeped and he looked at the text, "And Daveed."

I smiled as it seemed humorous to me. He ordered his drinks and joined me in waiting.

"Thanks for the drink, you honestly didn't have to do that." I said with an anxious rub to the back of my neck.

"I felt bad about you being plowed to the ground yesterday." He replied. Ugh, he's a cinnamon roll too good for this world!

"I was people watching and not paying attention, really." I insisted.

Lin was handed a car board carrier full of drinks. He grabbed mine and held it out. "So your not having your drink?"

I wanted it, badly. I felt bad about it but I did. "I never said that..."

Lin laughed and handed it to me. I took a sip. Just as good as I remember. But guilt took over. I heavily disliked getting things from people. Rides, food, money...

"I feel bad about this, but it's so good," I said quietly.

"Well then don't feel bad. Walk with me back to work or something for payment if you want," Lin said with a shrug.

I exchanged weight on my legs, "Fine, I guess."

I headed out first and opened the door for him.

"Thank you," Lin said dragging out the 'you'. I smiled at that. Lin carried the other Broadways star's drinks as we went down the street. " So what's your name? Probably should have asked you that earlier."

I smiled, " Yah, probably should have, but I'm Lark Evans."

Lin laughed slightly, " You're parents missed the opportunity to name you Lily Evans."

I laughed, "My mom did, didn't she. Unfortunately, she hasn't seen or read Harry Potter so."

Lin tsked. "So Lark Evans, my name is-"

"Lin Manuel Miranda," I cut in, " I kinda figured it out yesterday. I'm a fan, have been since I was like eight."

"I didn't think you knew who I was. But I'm kinda glad, I wouldn't like to think you walk with every stranger who buys you a drink. Not exactly safe. Anyways, did you like In The Heights?", Lin asked.

"In The Heights is great, but I actually knew you from The Electric Company first. Didn't listen to In The Heights until after Hamilton."

Lin laughed," Don't get many Electric Company fans."

"Really? 'E' is a silent ninja and the hotdog vs apple rap battle was my life," I joked. Although I was slightly serious.

Lin laughed again,"That was so much fun writing."

"You used the word 'cacophony' for a kid rap." I went on, "Like I had to Google that."

"Do you know what it means now?", Lin asked.

"Well yes-", I answered.

"There you go. Teaching kids big words," Lin pointed out.

"I guess.." I sipped on my drink. And peered out at the people passing us and couldn't help but delve into my little game.

What if the younger boy would grow up to be a cop. Maybe he'd have three daughters. Maybe he'd save lives.

Maybe the middle age woman in a suit came from a bad home and worked to keep others from that same position. Maybe she couldn't have children of her own. Maybe she was part of the lgbtq+ community.

"Lark, did you here me?"

I quickly focused on Lin, "Wh-what?"

Lin chuckled, "Have fun in space, cadet?"

I rolled my eyes jokingly, "Yah, very beautiful. A bit on the cold side if you asked me."

"What were you thinking?"Lin asked.

"Uh, it's a game I play. I see a random person on a street and I come up with a back story for them. If it's a kid I usually come up with a future or something."

"Show me."

I looked over at Lin and he raised his eyebrows in interest. I took a breath, "Okay, that man over there in the red T-shirt? Maybe he blogs about his hobby and is actually popular on the Internet? Maybe he has a young diabetic daughter? Maybe he visits his grandmother every week."

I looked over at Lin and he gave an approving nod. "That's actually strangely beautiful."

"Thanks. So you going to The Richard Rodger's Theater?" I asked.

"Uh, yah. We got a show tonight. It's why we need these," Lin answered and shook the carrier a bit. I nodded. "You ever going to come to the show?"

I shrugged, "Probably not, most of my money goes to my mom for expenses so I'm usually left with a Lincoln."

"Expenses?" He asked in confusion.

"Like my phone and stuff." I half-lie. Lin nodded in understanding.

"So you have a job?"

"Yah. At the Hamilton Grange Library."I answer. "I love it there."

"That's fantastic! So you like to read?", Lin said happily. He's such a puppy. Like you'd think he was a Hufflepuff but he's a Slytherin.

"Yah, reading, writing, drawing, and music are like the bane of my existence."

"Nice," Lin said as we stopped at the theater. I internally sigh and prepare to say goodbye.

"You wanna come inside and say hi?" Lin asked. My heart stopped. Like literally stopped. Lin laughed at my expression. "I'll take that as a yes."

He dragged me inside.

Word count: 1181

A lot more words, eh. Thank you for reading. If there are questions are anything just comment or message me. Please comment if you think the cast says something you don't think they'll say.

Ever yours, hlwing

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