Chapter Fourteen: Gotta Get Back To Hogwarts

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Mom came home sometime in the early hours if the morning. I wasn't concerned as I happily slept in to enjoy my day off. The library wasn't open on Sunday's. I thought about going to church, but wasn't willing to wake up. As eleven rolled around, I got ready for the day. Since the kitchen was empty and I had extra money thanks to the Jason guy, I decided to go to the store.


When I came home someone was already there. Mom was in a robe and sitting across from a woman dressed nicely with her brown hair pulled back into a bun. The woman stood up and smiled brightly at me.

"You must be Lark, I'm Grace Vega. I work for the Department of Children and Families."

Fuck. I gripped the platic bag in my hand harder, "Social services?"

She hesitantly nodded, "We also go by that name, yes. Please join us, Lark."

Yes, she asked me to join her in my own home. I set the groceries on the contour and quickly put away the fridge items. Cautiously, I pulled out a seat in between my mom and Grace.

"So what is this about?" I asked. Every word felt like I was walking in eggshells, like if I said one wrong word, I'll be thrust into the foster system. Grace pulled out a binder and opened it to a page. Weirdly, she reminded me if Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter.

"Well, Ms. Evans, I was sent here to make sure this home is suitable for a young woman such as yourself," Grace said while placing on her reading glasses. Yup, she is now Professor McGonagall to me, there is no going back. But her words did sink in. How they interoperated to me was basically "We're checking up on you. If its not up to bar, you're out." Oh goodie.

"What do you want to know Mrs. Vega?" Mom asked quickly. Please, don't talk. You're just going to dig an Evan bigger hole, Mom.

"We'd like to know what has been occurring in this house and if are reports match up with you're accounts. No stress," Professor- I mean Grace- said.

"Who gave these reports?" Mom asked. Grace's gaze drifted over to me.

"That's private information, Mrs. Evans," Grace said tightly. Mom was obviously angry at this intrusion.

"I honestly don't know what this is about, Mrs. Vega," Mom continued. She stood up ready to lead Grace out. Grace looked up at my mother over her bifocals.

"Please sit down Mrs. Evans."

Mom crossed her arms, "No, I'm sorry, but I see nothing wrong with my household. Now if you will please leave before I call the cops."

Grace smiled tightly, "You wouldn't have to. I have one stationed downstairs in case things here got out of control, if you'd want me to go get him-"

"No! That's fine, I'm sitting," Mom rushed to sit down in her chair. If everything wasn't so surreal I would've found that humorous. Grace fixed her glasses and looked down at her notes.

"May I see Ms. Evans's room, Mrs. Evans's room, and the kitchen, please?" Grace asked. This really wasn't a question as she was already out of her chair and going for the hall. Mom and I looked at each other and stood up to follow the older woman. She didn't say much about my room. Everything seemed to check out, but she soon entered Mother's room. Mom's room wasn't a mess. The dresser was cluttered, sure, but that wasn't what grabbed Grace's attention. She went to a batch of stains and raised an eyebrow at my mom. Mom blushed guiltily.

"Based on the information I gained, these are alcohol stains, correct?" Mrs. Vega interrogated.

Mom, obviously, flustered said, "I- uh-y-yes."

I looked at the wall. I was fucked. Completely and inevitably fucked. Mrs. Vega said nothing about my mother's answer, but bristled past us. She went to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets and fridge. Even with the new groceries, the food supply was in a destitute position. Grace tsked in a very McGonagall like fashion. Without a word we sat back down at the table.

"Mrs. Evans, when do you drink excessively?" Grace asked expressionlessly.

Mom crossed her arms, "I wouldn't say-"

"Answer." Grace interrupted.

"Uh, when I get upset over my husband and..." Mom said softly.

Grace nodded and wrote down something in her binder, "Good Mrs. Evans, now tell me, do you have a stable job?"

"Yes, I was recently employed by Jason Ravettes."

Okay, when was that? Why didn't I hear of this? Grace looked surprised too.

"Very well, Mrs. Evans," She finished up writing something and looked over at me. She smiled, "Ms. Evans, I have some questions to ask you, is that okay with you and your mother?"

I stuttered a yes and Mom nodded. Nervous, I looked over at Mom, "Can I answer them in private?"

Surprised, she said, "Uh, yeah, I mean yes."

Mom stood up from the chair and went to her room. I turned to Grace, mentally preparing.

Grace took on a lighter tone when addressing me, "Now Dearie, what is the longest time you're mother has left you without telling you or any responsible adult where she was going?"

"Wednesday, she came back Saturday morning."

Grace frowned and wrote in her notebook, "You stayed with the Miranda's in the time, why?"

"I stayed with them because Mom left me and I had been beat up by a group of bullies,"I answer honestly.

"Does your mother know of these attacks?"

"She hasn't noticed," I answer softly. Grace gazed at my for a bit before going back to her notes.

"Who pays the majority of the bills?"

"I do," I whisper. This was getting too much, my hand was underneath the table and I eyes felt hot. Grace closed her book.

"You're done here, Sweetie. Please fetch your mother for me," Grace said kindly. I nodded, choking away tears and stood up. Mom was waiting on her bed. I made a 'go' motion and I went into my room. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling, letting tears of stress and fear roll down.

Word Count: 1442

Idk why I've been having troubles with this chapter. It didn't publish the complete version so here it is. Thanks for reading!!

Ever yours, hlwing

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