Chapter Seventeen: It's Quiet Uptown

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*Trigger warning*
I'm not sure if I know exactly what I was thinking, but I kinda knew what was going on. Lin was a couple feet away talking to a cop, Vanessa was there too. They had put yellow tape up in the hall and cops were coming in and out. They had asked me questions about ten minutes ago, stuff like "Did your mother say anything suicidal?" and "Did you know she was going to commit suicide". I knew Lin and Vanessa wasn't happy about me being questioned. I didn't even cry when the police handed me a note from my mother that was found in the bathroom reading: "I love you, too." I didn't care, I don't think I was feeling anything. I was a monster liked that, I haven't even cried over my own mother's death. I reacted physically to the news as I was now sitting in the couch, trembling beneath a blanket despite my blood burned like lava in my veins.

"Lark," Vanessa said softly. I looked up at her expectantly. She touched my forearm lightly, "There's someone here that wants to talk to you, you know her, it's Mrs. Grace Vega."

I nodded and looked over to the older woman. She nodded grimly at me and sat down. "Oh Dearie, I'm so sorry about your mother."

I nodded, but didn't say anything. The last thing I had said was the stuttering nonsense I had muttered to Lin.

"Dearie, the Miranda's have agreed, insisted actually, to take you in for a little bit while everything gets settled. They'll help you figure out everything, okay? Is this an alright arrangement?" Grace asked. I nodded while noticing the amount of hair that had fallen out of her tight bun. She patted my knee and got up to go talk to Lin and Vanessa. I snuggled deeper into the crochet blanket that surrounded me and tried not to think about anything, that didn't work. All I had was a loop of seeing Mom in the bathtub surrounded by blood. I closed my eyes and ran a hand through my disheveled, brown hair.

"Lark, time to go. Grab what you need," Lin said gently. I nodded and helped me up, he had a hand on my shoulder as we went back to my room. I uncaringly packed my bag with maybe a week worth of clothes and swiftly left with Lin wrapping his arm around my shoulder and Vanessa holding my hand.


I left Lin and Vanessa when we entered the entrance and immediately went to the guest room. I dropped my duffel on the floor and sat down on the bed. I stared at the wall across the room. In the quiet, I tried to think of what I needed to do. Oh god, I have to alert everyone back in Nebraska. My older siblings, my grandparents, my great aunts, my uncle, my mom's friends...Would the funeral be here? No. She'd want it back home. She was born there, she was raised there, she fell in love there, she had her kids there. I closed my fists and pressed my nails into my palm while taking a deep breath. So much to do. How much money was this going to take? I needed to fly her back home, have a wake, have a service and burial, and then a - what was it called? A reception? I don't know. Stressed, I rubbed my eyes and laid back. Suddenly, I got the feeling that I shouldn't be alone. If I stayed by myself something bad was going to happen. Slowly, I got up and headed out to the living room.

"Lark!" Sebastian called. Actually it sounded more like "Wark" but I'll take what I can get.

I gave him a small, melancholic smile, "Hey Bud."

As if sensing my sadness, he walked up to me, grabbed my hand, and dragged me to the couch. I laid out on the couch and helped him climb up. Surprisingly, he laid down next to me and murmured something about "Chuggington" and "makes everyone happy". I smiled at his cuteness and stared up at the trains on the screen. Suddenly, weight was added to the couch and I looked down to see Tobi joining are brigade of couch dwellers.

Soon, Sebastian's breathing slowed and deepened, signalling his descent into unconsciousness. I sighed, realizing that I had work to do. Carefully, I untangle myself from the small child and went into the dining room. I wasn't sure where Lin and Vanessa was, but I was guessing in the office talking. Dreading every minute of this, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I got to the one marked 'Liz".

Liz was the middle sister of the family and the fourth born. Her full name was Lizbeth, but I usually called her "Li Li". With my stomach in my throat, I hit 'send' and put the phone to my ear. She answered on the second ring.

"Lark? What's up, Bug?", My sister asked.

"Liz, are you on the road?" I asked. I didn't want to cause an accident.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Can you pull over?" I continue.

"Yeah, one sec," it was silent for a couple seconds, "Okay, what's up."

"It's Mom."

"What? Is she okay?', Liz asked instantly worried.

"No," my voice broke, "she committed suicide this morning. I- I found her. I'm sorry."

Silence was all I heard on her end.

"Lark, I need to go. Who have you told? Where are you staying?" Liz asked.

"You were the first one I told. I'm staying with Lin-Manuel Miranda, just google him,"

"Okay," Liz sighed on her end. I said "I love you" and hung up. Next, I decided, was to call my eldest sibling, Aiden. This one was a bit more difficult as he was in federal prison in Minnesota. What did he do? Apparently getting drugs in the mail is a federal crime and the mailman just happened to be a FBI agent. Eventually I was able to get to him.

"Hello? Mom?" Aiden asked. They must have told him it was a family member, so he assumed..

"No Aiden, it's Lark," I corrected.

"Lark! I missed you so much. I haven't seen you in a year, how are you?" Aiden said happily.

"I missed you, too. You are my favorite brother after all," I reply, "but I'm not okay. Mom's not okay."

"What wrong?" Aiden asked worriedly. I didn't reply quickly, "Lark, tell me."

"She's dead. She killed herself," I say softly. This hurt so much.

"Oh." That was all Aiden said until, "Where will the funeral be? Home?"

"Yeah, home," I answer sadly. "Will they let you come?"

"I don't know. This isn't a high maintence prison, despite it being a federal one. It depends on distance and a number of other factors, but I hope they will."

At first I nodded, but then remembered he couldn't see that so I said, "Okay."

"Bye, Lark. Hang in there, okay?"


Word Count: 1162

Finished at 2:59 pm

Uploaded at 6:10 am

This is more of a calming chapter. We got Sebastian adorableness and we met Aiden and Lizbeth. Thanks for reading!

Ever yours, hlwing

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