Chapter 43: Opening Doors

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Meeting Daveed was like having a cafecito, I suddenly went from no energy to having some. I decided to use this to get ready for Aya coming over. I got dressed, cleaned the apartment, and started baking.

Around three, the doorbell rang and I grinned. Aya! I raced to the door and flung it open to reveal my best friend.

She wore a black Sleeping With Sirens shirt, a pair of black shorts, a black beanie with one white stripe, and a pair of vans. What an emo.

"Hey Babe," Aya let herself in, "What kind of place does a Broadway legend have anyway?" She went directly into the living room and looked around at the wooden floor, tan couch, and blue curtains. "Pretty normal."

I nodded, "But, like, not full of traumatic memories."

Aya turned towards me, the sun illuminating her blond hair. "Better not, or Broadway star is gonna end up Broadway litter."

I laughed, but knew full well she was serious."Come on, we have cookies."


"So, wee little Lark, how was the funeral?"

I dipped my cookie in milk and pondered my next words, "I was just there for the burial. Saw my childhood home, saw my sisters and family."

"And your grandparents?" Aya prompted with a hopeful look.

I pulled out my half-submerged cookie, "They made me admit fault in my family's deaths and held a knife to my throat."

Aya's heart-shaped face extended with her jaw, "What the fuck!"

I shrugged, "Yeah. That happened, Lin saved me."

"No, do not brush that away that fast," Aya waved at me and put her index finger to her temple, "Hold on, let me process. . . they made you admit fault in deaths you have no fault in, and held a knife to your throat."

"That is a true statement."

"I'm going to Nebraska to fuck some bitches up," Aya stood up and looked off in the distance with a look akin to Luke Skywalker looking over Tatooine.

I looked at her skeptically, "How so?"

"Arsenic and adderall."

My lips curled at the imagery in my head, "No, getting to Nebraska."

Aya looked down at me and pondered, "I'm actually not sure where Nebraska is, so I guess I'll just have to follow the corn." We looked at each other in dead silence for .2 seconds before breaking out in laughter. Aya sat back down and grabbed another cookie, "Okay, murder spree will have to wait, but one day-" She broke her cookie in half.

"V and Lin should be home soon."

Just as those words excited my mouth did Vanessa come home with Seb.

"Hello, Lark! How are you doing?" V called while taking off shoes.

"Ark! Ark!" Seb called from the foyer, "Tortuga!"

"I'm doing better, Aya is here." I replied back, "We have galletas."
"Ooh, did you hear that Sebastian?"

"Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!" the small child yelled while running into the kitchen. He stopped dead when he saw Aya and shy Sebastian switched on.

Aya grinned, "Hi Buddy," she held out her hand, "I'm Aya. Nice to meet you."
Sebastian grinned meekly and looked towards his mother as she rounded the hallway corner.

"You must be Aya," V extended her hand, "I'm so excited to meet you! I'm Vanessa."

Aya took her hand politely, "Hi, nice to meet you too."

An awkward silence blanketed the kitchen as everyone was trying to figure out what to say next. V, being the magnificent adult she is, broke the silence, "So what school do you go to?"

"Oh nothing fancy like Lark," Aya waved her hand, "Just New York public."

A bit of seriousness crossed Vanessa's face, making her eyebrow raise softly. "Hey, education is education. You shouldn't downplay it. That's why I'm a supporter of trade schools and community colleges when they're available."

Aya smiled, "oh I'm trade school all the way. I'd love to draw tattoos."

"Oooh, an artist. You'll fit in great here."

I laughed, "Coming from the chemist and lawyer."

"Hey now!" V smirked and wagged her index finger at me, "There is quite a bit of creativity in those career paths. I'll have to show you sometime," she said with a wink.

I grinned, "I'd love that."

"Wait wait," Aya pointed at V, "Chemist and Lawyer?" She looked at me and I nodded. "Forget Broadway Legend, we've got a superhero residing here."

I laughed and made a mental note that Sev was playing with his trains in the living room.

"I wouldn't say superhero but..." Vanessa tossed her hair back and chuckled.

"No, seriously that legit."

I nodded, "Aya is right, it is. You should toot your horn a bit more sometimes."

V waved her hand, "Alright that's enough on me. Why don't you girls pick out something to watch after dinner? Or pick a board game or something? I'll get dinner started."

I shot her a thumbs up, "sounds good. Imma take Aya back into my room for a bit."

"Have fun girls!"

Aya followed me down the hall to my bedroom. The entire time I was thinking how cool V really is. Sometimes I don't feel like I give her enough credit as I give Lin, but she is smart and funny and welcoming. She welcomed me just as much as Lin did into her family. Without a second thought, she's tried her best to care for me. I made a mental note to think of a way to show my love to her later.

"Damn you really upgraded, didn't you, L?" Aya said pulling me out of my thoughts.

I nodded, smiling, "Yeah, I did. I really did."

Word count: 940

I'm sorry, this has been long overdue. It feels really good to publish this. So what kind of life update do I give for like 2 years of being pretty much absent? My life took an amazing turn after some really dark times. I thought I was happy, got a boyfriend, things went bad with the relationship, I got bad. Almost didn't make it through that, not gonna lie. But in the midst of it I gave my life to Christ. My life almost mirrored the art I created. In my darkest times I was given refuge by a locally famous family. I was welcomed into their home and out of an abusive situation. I find it hilarious that the story of a fictional character I created would one day be my story. Other than that I am now in my second year of college and I'm living life. I'm happy and I've found my light.

Ever yours,


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