Chapter Twenty Eight: What Comes Next?

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I was glad I set multiple alarms because I did not want to get up. We had to be at the airport at seven thirty. Lin and I agreed that we should be there by seven to get there before most of the crowd hits. We'd take flight at eight and then be at Omaha by ten forty. The ending result was me rolling out of bed at five thirty to take a shower. Vanessa, Lin, and Sebastian we're still asleep so I tried to be extremely quiet, but as six came around with no alarms coming from their bedroom it came apparent that I'd have to wake Lin up. Quietly, I opened their door and walked to Lin's side of the bed. Hesitantly, I shook him resulting in a groan.

"Lin, get up. We have to go to the Subway," I said quietly to not wake up Vanessa."

His eyes flickered open slightly and he spoke groggily, "Okay, give me ten minutes."

"Okay," I left him to shower and get dressed. I went back to my room to go over everything I packed. I had two pairs of dress clothes and street clothes. I had two pairs of pajamas, a small pillow, and a blanket. I managed to stuff all of it in a bag small enough for carry on. I decided not to bring any medications and live without them for a couple days. Lin got out of the bathroom, fully dressed at six sixteen.

"Ready?" he asked eating a breakfast bar with a cup of coffee in hand.

"Yeah," I answer. I was a bit nervous, this was my first flight. Mom had always drove instead of flying. She said she got too sick to travel so we took the twenty hour drive in two days.

"Alright, let's-" Lin was cut off by a cry from Sebastian's room, "let's have agua break."

I grinned, "I'll get your homeboy, you get the cups."

"Sounds like a plan," he left to the kitchen and I went down the hall to Sebastian's room. I opened the door and approached the crying kid.

"Hey, it's okay Seb. Agua break?"

He stopped crying and dried away some tears, "Agua."

"Good boy," I smiled and picked him up from his crib. I set hip against my hip and carried him to the kitchen.

"Ah, mi Homeboy," Lin said and held out his arms for me to pass Sebastian over. I did so and sat down with my glass of water. I looked at the time on the phone. We had to leave soon to make it to the subway in time. Seb had just calmed down and was drinking his water in his Dad's lap. I tapped my foot nervously under the table as anxious thoughts formed. What if we missed the subway and then missed the flight?

"Calmarse, Alondra, lo haremos," Lin reassured.

"Google translate?" I ask only understanding 'Alondra'.

Lin chuckled, "Calm down, Lark, we'll make it."

"Wark!" Sebastian exclaimed.

"Sometimes I think he is trying to say 'work' instead of 'Lark'," I commented, "You go little Schuyler brother."

"Wark!" Sebastian said again.

"What's Sebastian yelling about?" A tired Vanessa rounded the corner.

"Shit Babe, sorry for waking you," Lin said.

Vanessa yawned, "It's okay. I had to get up early for an appointment anyway. Give me the kid, you guys need to head out."

Lin handed the child to it's mother and kissed her on her lips, "Love you, Babe. Be back soon."

"Love you too." Vanessa said. I stood up and gave her a hug.

"Bye Vanessa," I rubbed Sebastian's hair, "Bye Seb."

I followed Lin halfway down the hall and we grabbed our bags on the way out.


The airport was bustling when we entered. The line was pretty long for screening, but we didn't complain.

"It could be longer, I've seen longer," Lin said quietly to me. He pulled out his phone and sent out a good morning tweet that I immediately liked and retweeted.

"Pro of being fostered by Lin-Manuel Miranda: being the first to like his tweets," I joked.

"And that is going on the twitter," Lin replied making me laugh, "Oh, shit. The twitter is happening fast."

"Doesn't it always?" I reply watching the twitterness happen on his phone. Notification, notification, notification. Like damn.

"True," Lin said as we set our bags on the conveyor belt to be taken into the x-ray thingie mabob. We took put our phones and Lin put his watch and ring into the metal holder box. Lin went first through the thing and I followed, nervous for no reason at all. We grabbed our items and grabbed our cleared bags. Slowly, we walked through the airport as it was seven thirty and boarding would start in ten minutes.

"Fans are disappointed at me not going on tonight," Lin said.

I raised my eyebrows, "They get Javilton, even I haven't seen him perform."

"Good point, I'll tell them that they're in good hands," Lin replied and immediately started typing on his electronic device.

"Flight Six, now boarding"

I pulled out my ticket and readjusted the red duffel's strap on my shoulder.

"Oh shit, that's us," Lin put his phone down. I grinned at his obviousness. He pulled out his ticket and we went to the gate. We handed the lady our tickets and boarded the plane. I looked at our the surroundings madly. So this is what a plane interior looked like. Usually you only saw a bit of it in movies and vines so seeing it complete was different. What was also different was the abstract thought of flying. Like how?

"Come on, Alondra, our seats are up here," Lin said pulling me forward past the curtains.

"Holy-," I dragged out as I saw the first class. The seats were bigger and spread out, but the space was pretty small.

"I know right!" Lin agreed excitedly, "So f-ing lit!"

I grinned at his childishness and looked for the seat numbers.

"There they are," Lin walked forward and gestured for me to take the window seat.

"Thank you," I sang and ducked into the seat. He followed and sat down to the seat next to me. He pulled out his phone.

"Cheese," he said suddenly. I smiled and his phone clicked, "To the twitter."

I pulled out my phone and liked his previous tweets about Javi.

@Lin_Manuel: Look who I'm with!

He added the picture he took. I looked down at the comments.

@vader_ren: @Lin_Manuel SO CUTE!

@Heathens: @Lin_Manuel Where's Vanessa?

@Squad_Goals: @Lin_Manuel Are you in a plane!! Where are you going?

@TSwift_MyShot: @Lin_Manuel Check out this thing I did!

Most of the comments were like that. There was a lot of "Check out this" stuff, but none of it sounded particularly intriguing.

A lady came into the room, "Please put phones away, I will run through procedures in case of an emergency."

I turned my phone onto airplane mode and Lin sent out a quick tweet about flying. I couldn't help, but be nervous. What if something went wrong?

Word Count: 1168

Finished at 12:52 pm

Uploaded at 12:59 pm

Sorry for the late update. Updates will probably go down to every two days sine I start school on Tuesday. I got a lot of writing done last night waiting for my brother to get home from the hospital (he dislocated his knee walking). I hope you're excited, I am. Thanks for reading!

Ever yours, hlwing

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