Chapter Thirty Six: Hurricane

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So there I was, stuck against the cold siding of the church with a knife against my throat. My own grandfather was the one to hold me down while my grandmother dug the cool blade into my soft skin.

"We told you you'd pay," Sally spoke calmly. She reeked of satisfaction which broke my heart. They really did hate me.

"You killed your brothers, your father, and your mother," Darrell explained, pressing his weight into my arms. I winced at the pressure, but didn't dare move. I couldn't breathe correctly, fear making my breath panicked and frequent. Tears beaded up in my already tired eyes.

"No," I argued. I didn't kill them, at least on purpose.

"Yes you did!" Sally yelled harshly. I stared at the way her face changed from calm to anger. Her sandy blonde hair went into her blotchy face.

"I didn't," I whimpered. Sally pressed harder on the blade. My throat stung and a familiar heat rushed through me. The collar of my black dress soaked up the blood that trickled slightly down my neck.

"Say it!" Darrell yelled. His pressure increased making me cry out. Matching the blood, hot tears raked down my face. I was going to die. They were going to kill me.

It wouldn't be so bad, would it? Like my mother, I'd bleed out. My eyes would trickle shut as my body attempted to save itself. I'd be asleep when I died. Besides, my brothers were already dead. I should've died with Lucas at the very least. We were a set, so why don't go out as one? But Fate was twisted and every single one of us took our last breath by ourself. I welcomed death.

"Say it," Sally repeated.

Say it.

Say it!


It made sense. I killed my family, accidental or not. If I hadn't been born, maybe Layton and Logan wouldn't have had their birth disorders. I was born and took all of their nutrients in the womb, resulting in their fragileness. Lucas had been in that car because of me, I should've been the one to die. Dad had gotten sick from me, I recovered and he didn't. He was dead because of me. Four people dead because of me. I was a serial killer before my twelfth birthday. And lastly Mom. I wasn't delicate enough with her. I shouldn't have told her about Dad's infidelity. All she had of Dad was his memory and I ruined that for her. I killed her just as much as the knife that slit her wrists. And this was how I repented: my grandparents slitting my throat.


"I-I killed Logan, Layton, Lucas, Matthew Evans, and Sarah Evans," I admitted. I closed my eyes, preparing for the deadly swipe.

"Why?" Darrell asked.

"Because that's all I do, cause death and destruction," I answered. I sensed their agreement. I took a breath, knowing it'd be my last. The pressure increased on the knife. Tears continued to flow and my heart pumped frantically.

"Are you ready for your punishment?" Sally asked.

"Ye-yes," I stuttered quietly.

"What!" Sally yelled.


"Get away from her!" A voice yelled. The pressure of the knife went away. I opened my eyes and watched Lin push away my grandparents and move in front of me.

"It'd be wise to let the girl get what she deserves," Sally snarled.

"It'd be wise to run away, I've called the police," Lin fired back. Darrell and Sally looked at each other for a moment, before setting their glare on Lin and I.

"This isn't over," Darrell spat. He took his wife's hand and pulled her away to the parking lot. Quickly, and with a hiss from the tires, they raced away from the scene. Full realization of what happened came to me. I fell to the ground in shock. I almost died and I was okay with it? I anticipated death? What was wrong with me?

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