Chapter Five: It's A Hard Knock Life

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The morning, although right on time, felt too early. My alarm rang and I hurried to turn it off before it woke up Mom. I grabbed my clothes for the day before going to go shower. Once I was done and dressed. I brushed through my snarled hair and put it up in a tight ponytail. Quietly, I walked past my sleeping mother and into the kitchen to have a piece of peanut butter toast. I scarfed that down while circling good jobs for my mom from the newspaper. I brushed away the crumbs left behind, grabbed my keys and phone, and jetted.

It was about seven in the morning and I had to walk about two blocks away to Hamilton Grange Library. I loved it there, I got to know what new books we got and sometimes my book club meet there instead of after school. Of course we also met at other libraries, but still.

When I entered, my coworker Angel was already there. Angel was a very pretty Latina girl who was going into her senior year in the fall. She had straight, black hair and pretty brown eyes. She was bookish, but appeared quite social based on the amount of times our head librarian has told her to turn of the ringer. I didn't know all too much about her, but I did know that she was a dancer for one of the many performing arts schools in New York.

"Hey Lark." She piped up from behind the main desk.

"Hi Angel, you doing good?" I asked.

"Yeah, you?" She replied.

"I'm chill," I answered. She nodded and went onto her phone. Suddenly she made a choking sound.

"What the heck, Lark, you met the Lin-Manuel Miranda!" My coworker exclaimed. She looked down at me with wide, brown eyes.

"Yeah, I didn't know you liked Hamilton, Angel." I said while grabbing the keys for the outside book return.

"I love Hamilton! Besides, who lives in New York without knowing who Lin is? He's kinda everywhere," she rattled on.

"I guess..," I mutter while grabbing a book cart to carry the books in. Without a word I headed back out.

"We're talking more about this when you get back, Lark!" Angel cried. I didn't reply and headed out to the the book return about 3 yards away from the building. Silently, I unlock the metal box and took out an armful of books. The top one was Matilda which was one of my favorite book/movie/musical. I related to Matilda. With a sigh, I place the books onto the cart, locked the return box, and wheeled the books back inside. Instantly, Angel was by my side.

"So tell me everything!"

"There really isn't much to say, what do you want to know?"


I took a breath,"Okay, don't get mad at me, it's not much of a story."

So while I checked in books I told her my story. "Alright so I was walking down 46th and I ran into Lin, literally. He felt guilty, but I convinced him it was my fault. The next day, I happened to be ahead of him in the Starbucks line. He still felt bad, bought me a drink, and then we went to the Richard Rodgers where I met Renee, Phillipa, and Daveed."

Angel squealed," You met Pippa!"

I take it she's a Eliza fan.

"What did she say to you?"

"We said 'hello', Angel. I didn't even knew you fangirled, I don't know what to do. The situation us usually in reverse," I pleaded.

"I'm sorry! But Pippa, Lark, it's Pippa!"

I couldn't help but smile at the precious cinnamon roll. This was totally out of character for her, usually we'd just have stupid small talk while we worked and that was it.

"If I ever meet her again, which I probably won't, I'll get you an autograph, okay?"

She squealed and rushed forward to envelope me in a hug. I uncomfortably stood there hoping for this to end. Thankfully a couple came in to return and check out books so Angel went back to work while I restocked the shelves.


I clocked out at two. Angel got to work longer as she was older so she would be here until about five, but I was fifteen and there was laws. So I went around the area and got job applications for Mom. I got about five of them before heading back home. I held tightly onto the papers in my hand as I walked the two blocks home. Bored, and hot, I played my game.

Maybe the young, Latino man planned on visiting his grandparents later this Summer. Maybe he was and intern for a corporation. Maybe he liked rock music.

Maybe the older Dominican man was the first to come here. Maybe his family has been here for generations. Maybe he was an engineer.

There was a young Latina girl, about eleven, running down the block. A huge smile on her face as a friend of hers tried to catch her. The other girl fell forward and sent the other to the ground. I was about to ask if they were okay when the exploded into giggles. I couldn't help but smile as I turned the corner of my apartment complex. Like yesterday, I go to the third floor, unlock my door, and enter.

Unlike yesterday, I couldn't smell alcohol. Out of habit I still looked for Mom. I found her in her room asleep. I wondered up to her and shook her softly.

"Mom, get up. You have applications to sign."

She groaned but opened her eyes.

"You're too serious, Baby," Mom joked sleepily.

"Well, we have bills to pay. And I can't get enough money by myself, Mom. I'm fifteen, legally a child."

"Fine, fine. Let me shower first. And take some pain meds. I've got a headache."

'I wonder why', my sarcastic inner self muttered. On the outside I smiled," Okay Mommy."

I retreated to my room as she showered. Anxiety did rip through me when I heard her leave the apartment. I know she's an adult, but honestly she hasn't made the best decisions in the past. I decided I should work up the amount of money I'd make this month. After some calculations I realized we'd be deeper in debt if Mom didn't find a job soon. We'd already been rocking on the edge with the amount we'd been making before Mom quit. I needed more income. I could maybe street preform. I've done that before when I was eleven, but most of that money was pity money. I did have a YouTube channel so I could post some covers and link a Patron page or something. I decided to do that tonight and street preform later if needed. Quickly, I grabbed Mom's IPad and pulled up the camera. I searched up the karaoke version of the song I wanted, clucked the record button, and went.

"Hi guys! I'm Lark Evans. Any Broadway fans might know me from Lin's latest tweet. That was really exciting so I'm going to sing a Hamilton song for you. I'm not a professional but I do have a Patron page if you'd fun me. That'd be great! Living in NY is not cheap. Okay so let's go"

I clicked play on the karaoke versions and started.

Once I was done, I posted and hoped for the best.

Word Count: 1244

Not my cover or how she sings. Just find reading lyrics annoying. Didn't update when I wanted because I actually slept without nightmares. Yay! But yah I had book group at the food court so I got to write this in the comfort of my bed while eating left over Chinese take out and my second ever Starbucks drink. Very nice day. Thanks for reading!!

Ever yours, hlwing

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