Chapter Thirty One: Expressing Yourself

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"So you're a writer?" Lizbeth asked from her spot behind the wheel.

"Uh yes," Lin answered from the passenger's seat.

"And an actor, and like a billion other things," I called from behind him.

"That's Vanessa, Lark," Lin commented.

"Vanessa's your wife?" Lizbeth asked.

"Yes and we have a son that's eighteen months," Lin said looking back at Lizbeth.

"I just realized all our names begin with 'L'," I spoke up randomly.

"I see you've changed." Liz said sarcastically causing me to smile. I grinned and stuck my tongue out at her. She returned the gesture.

A thought popped into my head, "How's Mason?"

"Picky as always," Liz sighed. Liz had been, like a lot of the woman I'm close to, a teen mother. At seventeen she gave birth to my nephew, Mason. Madeline, my mother, and grandmother Katherine had also been teen mothers. Mom had given birth to Aiden the summer before her Freshman year started.

"How's Mad's kids?" I asked. They hadn't gone to Great Grandma's funeral and my newest nephew had yet to be born.

"Haven't seen them for awhile, but Elliot is going into fifth grade-"

"That makes me feel old," I comment.

"Izzy got taller and reminds me of you. Carly is a very girlie kindergartener. And Leo has Mad's elf ears," Li Li reported.

"Gabe still have his job?" I ask. Their father had a bad habit a quitting or getting fired. I didn't want so much stress on Madeline.

"As far as I know," Lizbeth answered.

"Who's who?" Lin asked me turning around the best he could in his seat.

"Madeline is my eldest sister, which you know that. Gabriel is her boyfriend, practically husband. Elliot, Isabel, Carly, and Leo are my nieces and nephews." I give him the basics. 

He nods in understanding and looked outside as another corn field went by.

"Lark, I'm getting flashbacks from that car ride about I was talking about," Lin joked.

"Hey, we haven't passed a cow or horse pasture yet," I mock defend my home state.

"Now that would be exciting," Lin answered with mock enthusiasm. I grinned at Lin's joking nature from many years of awkwardness. Awkwardness that plagued me, too.

"How's the twitter?" I asked out of boredom.

Lin shrugged, "Haven't been on very much, probably a bit slower and asking Chuggington questions."

"Chuggington? My son watches that," Liz commented.

"Mine does, too. He loves trains," Lin replied.

"Lark's father's side also has a thing for trains," Liz added.

"Really? Like what?" Lin asked looking at me from the mirror.

"Grandpa Darrell and my father, Matthew, did model railding. It's like those trains that go around the Christmas tree in kids' shows."

"Oh, okay. That sounds cool," Lin said. The conversation kinda died after that as Liz drove and Lin and I went on our phones.

I went on and saw that Lin had retweeted some funny posts that I liked and continued going through my newsfeed. I retweeted about a missing kid and a couple pictures of cheesecake, the best dessert ever.

"Cornfield, cornfield, cornfield, hah scenery change! It's cows! And there's Lark!" Lin exclaimed. He was carrying around his phone so he was obviously recording. I gave the Twitter a peace sign.

Lin settled down in his set and posted the video. I renewed my feed and watched the video before liking it. 

"Is that like all you guys do back in New York?" Liz asked.

"Pretty much. Sebastian's usually playing with trains and Vanessa's being smart and beautiful," I answer. That was basically all the fandom thought they did. I'm not sure if they really accepted me. I'm not sure if I accepted myself.

"Yup, and Lark and I are jamming to musical theatre and scrolling through the Twitter," Lin added.

I smiled, "And Daveed is wearing Oakland, Pippa is being adorable, Renee's being sweet, and Anthony's laughing."

"Sounds about right," Lin agreed.

"And they are?" Liz asked.

"My castmates," Lin answered.

Lizbeth perked up, "So you're like doing a show or something?"

Her lack of googling people disturbed me, "Come on, Liz, you did drama. Lin wrote the book, music, and lyrics to the mega-hit Broadway musical, Hamilton. He also stars in it as Alexander Hamilton."

Liz looked surprised and impressed, "Damn. I should look it up or something. I'm really out of the loop so I haven't heard of it. So a musical about Alexander Hamilton?"

"A rap musical about Alexander Hamilton," I add. Lizbeth looks at Lin incredulously.

"It's a really bad pitch," Lin finalizes.

"Yeah, it is," Lizbeth said looking back at the round.

"What've you done? Lark mentioned you did drama stuff," Lin asked seeming interested.

"I did a play in eighth grade, but I stuck to choir my first two years of high school," Liz answered, "Lark and Lucas were more about that kind of stuff than I was."

Lin looked back at me, "Tell me about your classes, you haven't done that yet."

I shrugged, "Done a couple of plays at Hunter, acted in one of them for a class, and did tech for the rest. I did Readers Theatre at the Norfolk Public Library until we moved. And I've done choir since fifth grade."

Lin nodded, "Quite the credentials."

I blushed. Not really, not compared to him. He was on Broadway for Pete's sake, I was in a high school choir. I actually wanted to pursue acting, but I shrunk on stage. I could handle choir because we were a unit and the attention was equal, but acting was very individualized. As a techie, I could be what I always was, unseen.

"How long until we hit Norfolk?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Forty five minutes, why? You wanna ditch me for Grandma Katherine," Liz joked.

"Oh yeah, that's totally why," I replied sarcastically.

"Why is she considered crazy?" Lin asked.

I smirked, "Oh, just you wait, Just you wait."

Lin gave me a "really" look and I just smiled broader. 


"Okay, turning the corner to Grandma Katherine's" Lizbeth warned as we turned the corner, It was about one as we had stopped and gotten to go on the way to Norfolk. Lin stretched awake from his nap. He was pretty tired, work on whatever throughout the day while taking care of Sebastian. Do a three hour exhausting show almost every night. Plus all the normal stresses of an adult. And he had me to think about now. It was remarkable he didn't sleep all way on the plane and during the whole car drive. Liz pulled into Grandma's spacious driveway, this whole trip was going to be an adventure. 

Word Count: 1078

Finished at 1:21 am

Uploaded at 1:28 am

I so tired. Goodnight, hoped you liked the chapter. Will update either Monday or Tuesday, depending on my level of homework overload I have later. Thank you for reading!

Ever yours, hlwing

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