Chapter Nineteen: It All Comes Back

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The Little Mermaid was over and Lin switched on one of my favorites, Mulan. Sebastian grabbed my attention as he padded away from his toys and went down the hall.

"Lin, the twitter has sucked you in, hasn't it?" Vanessa asked jokingly.

"I'm sucked into the twitter, help," Lin joked, not looking up from his phone. Vanessa laughed and went back to watching the movie. I pulled out my own phone as I haven't been on in awhile.

@Lin_Manuel: Mis hijos

With it was a picture of me, Sebastian, and Tobi all asleep from earlier today. The fans were freaking out.

@Love_Janthony: @Lin_Manuel Can I be your kid, too!?

@Precious_Cinnamon: @Lin_Manuel WAIT! ARE YOU ADOPTING LARK!!! #CHILD MIRANDA

"Lin..what's this?" I asked slowly. Did he see me as his kid? Was he adopting me? Lin looked over at my screen.

"I thought it was adorable and you are like my kid," Lin explained. He wrapped his arm around me and held me close. He thought of me as his kid! My heart soared at the thought, but wait. Why would anyone want me as their kid? Mom didn't, but she wrote back "I love you, too" That has to mean something, right? She loved me, but she left me forever. Just like Dad, just like everyone else I love. Everyone either dies or stays away.

"Lark has the twitter too?" Vanessa asked.

"Yup, the fandom is real," I answer, scrolling through my feed. I liked a couple pictures of food.

"What do you have Sebastian," Vanessa asked. I looked at Sebastian, he just had my picture album. I went back to my phone, wait.

"That's my photo album," I say slowly. Lin and Vanessa looked at me for a moment. Vanessa took the book from Sebastian.

"Sorry Bud, that's not yours, it's Lark's," Vanessa said, handing me my book. Sebastian padded over to me.

"Libro,"Sebastian said simply while pointing at the album.

"Yeah," I reply, "book."

"He wants you to show him it," Vanessa clarified. I'm bad with kids, can't you tell?

"Oh, okay," I said simply. I moved my blanket away and held out my hands, "Come on Seb, let's look at the libro together."

Sebastian smiled and let out a laugh. I helped him up onto my lap and flipped over the cover. Showcased was my older siblings before I was born.

"People,"Sebastian said.

"Yeah, those my siblings," I clarify. I point to a ten year old Aiden, "That's my brother Aiden."

Then I pointed to my second oldest sibling who was eight years old at the time, "That's Adam."

Sebastian pointed to my eldest sister, "Lark."

I smiled at his assumption, "No, that's Madeline. She looks like me, but with blue eyes instead of green. And that," I pointed to the youngest child in the picture, "Is Lizbeth."

"So these are all of your older siblings?" Lin asked. He looked down at the pictures.

"Yeah, I won't be born for another five years," I say. I looked back at the t.v. Mulan was currently meeting Mushu.

"Do you have any younger siblings?" Vanessa asked. I looked down at the album.

"Yeah, they're- they're not around anymore," I answer. The story seemed complicated, so I wasn't going to go in depth.

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