Chapter Thirty Three: Something Isn't Right Here

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The night had carried on with Grandma and me watching some Hallmark movie she loved and Lin was working in the parlor. An occasional groan could be heard along with coming out into the kitchen to get a chocolate from the candy jar. The night was very nice, but most definitely the calm before the storm.


I woke up to the sunlight trickling through the basement windows. I had had a dream of Ava and I making magnificent ice cream cones and shoving them upside down into a paper bag for no apparent reason at all. I'm not sure what that was about, but I just ignored it and attempted to get out of the couch. In my sleep the cushions had pushed away from the back and I had woken up in the crevice of the couch.

Eventually I got out of the fissure and headed upstairs to the kitchen. There was food encased in glass dishes on the stove. The usual eggs, sausage, and grapes. There was a yellow post-it note next to it, it read:

Lark or Lin, whoever manages to roll out of bed first, I had an appointment at ten and won't be back until two, after my hour of church. There's chips in the pantry and cookies in the freezer if you need an afternoon snack.

Despite grandma's habit of forgetting, she, like any grandmother, loved to give cookies to her grandchildren. Well, she bought them, cooking wasn't among her skills. But she could remember the of clients and where and when she sold them their house.

I pulled out two small plates out of the cupboard and dished up portions for both Lin and I. I set those aside and toasted the bagels in the toaster left on the counter. I reached over the container for a chocolate covered mints and ate one. 

"Comida!" Lin exclaimed when he walked into the kitchen wearing his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pajama pants and a white wifebeater.

"Yes, food," I handed him his plate, "the bagels should be done soon."

"Thank you," Lin said and began looking for the silverware drawer.

"It's the first one perpendicular to the stove."

"Gracias," Lin found the drawer and slid it open. He pulled out two forks and handed me one. The toaster pinged and I plucked out the bagels. Lin handed me a butter knife and I spread the vegetable cream on them. We sat down at the stools at the bar.

"Did you get anything done last night?" I asked referring to his late night composing.

Lin shrugged, "I finished one,but the other one? I can't quite get the line right." 

"Want me to help you later?" I asked stabbing eggs onto my fork.

"At this point, maybe, but I wanna go out," Lin bit into his bagel.

"You want to go out tonight?" I smirked and raised my eyebrows meaningfully.

Lin pointed his fork at me smiling, "First of all, that Rent reference was beautiful. Second of all, do you really want to hear my falsetto as I sing that song."

I just laughed imagining Lin raising his eyebrows and attempting to get out the high notes. I know I sometimes felt that way in choir. Soprano was usually easy to memorize, but the notes can get way up there, and my training during seventh and eighth grade was as an alto.

"Where would you like to go?" Lin asked, removing me from my mental images. I really wasn't sure where I wanted to go. Madeline was probably sleeping in, or taking care of Leo, so I didn't want to disturb them. I'd see them at the wake tonight anyways. Maybe I'd go by my home....

"Can we go by my house? I haven't seen it since I was eleven.." I drifted off, not really sure what'd he say.

"Oh," he seemed surprise, "Of course, I'd love to see where mi Alondra grew up," Lin cleaned his hands with a napkin.

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