Chapter Eight: Full Disclosure

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True to their word, we set out to my apartment after lunch. After some debating, it was decided that Sebastian was going to be left with a kind neighbor upstairs. I was extremely nervous to take them to my place, but I was the stupid one that had insisted on getting my own clothes in the first place. Eventually, we get from the subway to my apartment complex. Suddenly, I was aware of how much it smelt like smoke in here and I irrationally thought it was embarrassing. We got to my apartment and I unlocked it swiftly.

The place wasn't trashed, empty, or smelt of alcohol, so that was good. I have a Broadway star and a scientist lawyer here! I should at least try to be a good host.

"So this is the living room, to the right is the kitchen, and down the hall is the bathroom, my room, my Mom's room, and the spare."

Lin went to the bathroom and Vanessa and I went into my room. My room was pretty bare, a bed with mismatched sheets, a beat up dresser with only two drawers in use, a desk with a lamp and old school papers, and a not even half-full closet. It wasn't that I was neglected or anything, we just didn't have much money to spare. I did have a couple of of my favorite art pieces hanging in my room. And I had a couple plaques and awards up there, too. My favorite was the 'Outstanding Student Award' which was given to one kid in their last year of school. I had one that in my fourth grade year in elementary. It wasn't much, but as fourth had been a bad year, it was the highlight of it. I went into my closet to retrieve my red duffel bag. As I packed my shorts, Vanessa wondered to my art work.

"Did you do these?"

I looked to which one she was talking about specifically. It was one of my ink bone drawings. It was of the Tibia and Femur meeting. I was particularly proud of that one as it took over a week to do.

"Yeah, I did all of those in Advanced Art," I answer while placing my two Harry Potter shirts in the duffel, "For the bone one we used a sharpened stick and an inkwell, it went to showings but never one anything. I was surprised the teacher even liked it."

She nodded," I really like it, wouldn't it be easy to make most of it white and do only a little bit of shadows? You almost did the negative on it. Some of these places are incredibly dark, it most of taken forever."

Wow. Nobody ever said much about my art. There was a couple kids in that class that had, and of course our teacher, but outside of school? Not much. Mom would just nod, maybe smile, and walk away. Dad was very artistic so I figured it gave her flashbacks.

"It took me a bit over a week, but it was very fun."

"I can tell."

"Can tell what, V?" Lin asked entering the room. Thank god I had already packed my undergarments and unmentionables earlier. Vanessa pointed to my artwork and Lin checked them out.

"That's really cool, Lark. Do you wanna be an artist?" asked Lin. I shrugged.

"I dunno. I kinda want to do something involving history. Art is just a good way to relieve stress and anxiety at school. I don't see much of a future in music or acting, and I love when history connects together to create this giant, inseeable timeline that has been going on forever."

"That's an interesting view," Vanessa said while checking out my awards, "I don't recognize some of these schools. Where'd you go to school?"

I zipped up my bag after placing my photo album in there. " I moved to New York when I was twelve, before that I lived in Nebraska."

"That's a scenery change," Lin joked. It was true, New York was loud and my hometown was pretty quiet. And the building were humongous, don't even get me started.

"You ready to go?" Vanessa asked. I pulled the bag onto my shoulder and immediately flinched as it contacted bruises.

"Nope, you're not taking that," Lin said and swiftly lifted the bag from my grasp.


"No 'buts'," the actor insisted. I sighed and headed to the kitchen. The only produce item we had was a loaf of bread. Other than that, we had half a jar of peanut butter and a box of generic Hamburger Helper. The Miranda's said nothing about the destitute state of the kitchen, but I caught a quick glance between V and Lin. I wasn't going to waste bread so I was just going to bring it with me to their apartment. It was only a fourth of bread anyways.

"Okay, we can go now," I say to no one in particular. I lead them out of my home and locked the door.

"Now what?" Lin asked. In response, I pulled out an envelope.

"I'm gonna run this down to the landlord, you guys can wait at the door we entered if you want." I say quickly before taking off down the stairs and going to the apartment marked #1 on the first floor. I knocked and waited for Mr. Jerry to answer.

Mr. Jerry is a graying man in his late fifties. There really wasn't anything significant about him, but he liked to joke and he was nice enough to me.

The door peeled open, " Hello, Miss Evans. Playing messenger again?"

I nodded and smiled. " Mom says 'hi', by the way," I lied.

His eyes brightened and he smiled, "Does she now?"

Gross. Gross. Gross. Ew. Ew. Ew. I really shouldn't have said that, now I'm going to be haunted at night by the very idea of Mr. Jerry and my mom hooking up.

"Um, sure. She's on a trip right now, so I'm going to stay at a friend's house for the time being. If there is any letters about shutting off water or anything like that, it's okay. I'll be on time to pay rent though."

His previous happiness dissipated a bit and he took on a more serious tone, "You better, Miss Evens. Have a good day."

"You too."

With that the door shut and I walked back to the entrance where Vanessa and Lin-Manuel was waiting.

"Ready to go?" Lin asked with my bag in hand. I nodded. Somehow, leaving this building behind me made me feel free.

Word Count: 1105
Done at 6:28 am (central time)
Thanks again for reading. I wrote this like a day before I had to post it. It's kinda filler, but I liked it. Great Grandma is terminal so if I miss an update than you know why... Have a fantastic day and special thanks to those of you willing to give me support. This ones for you.

Ever yours, hlwing

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