Chapter Nine: Story Of My Life

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After we picked Sebastian up from the neighbor we went back to the apartment. Vanessa had to work on a case so Lin was put in charge of watching us. He put on Chuggington to entertain the kid (or so he said) Sebastian wondered away twenty minutes into the show to go play with his toy trains. I decided to go onto twitter and went through Lin's tweets from earlier. I looked up to see him working on something on the other end of the couch. Occasionally, he'd go on his phone. I looked back onto his profile. He hadn't said anything about me or had any other videos if me since the subway last night. I scrolled through the comments on the video posted and it ranged from 'How do you keep running into her' to 'You're such a linnamon roll'. I decided to tweet him in the comments.

@lark_evans: @Lin_Manuel if your weren't the biggest cinnamon roll I'd say you were stalking me.

I exited the tweet and continued going through my feed. I retweeted some pictures of food from FoodPorn (my favorite twitter account ever). A notification popped up and I refreshed my page.

@Lin_Manuel: @lark_evans How do I know you're not stalking me? (Dun DUN DUN!)

I laughed and replied.

@lark_evans: @Lin_Manuel You don't (joking...or am I?)

After that I saw Lin had followed me and I tried not to flip out. It was silly, I mean I'm staying at his home and I'm flipping out for him following me on Twitter. My priorities needed checked. Anyways, Chuggington ended and some new show started. Lin stood up from the couch.

"Lark, can you watch Homeboy? I want to go talk to V real quick."

I looked over at Sebastian who was having the trains meet each other politely before ramming them into each other.

"Yeah, no problem."


3rd POV

Lin went into Vanessa and his office.

"So what we gonna do?" He asked. Vanessa, the smartest person ever, knew what he was talking about.

"Well, we have a good case to get her out of that home. Multiple signs of neglect and maybe even emotional abuse. Did you see anything when you looked around the house?"

Vanessa looked up at her husband before looking back down at her notes, ready to write.

"Alcohol stains in the mom's room. I didn't see anything else," Lin answered and sitting down. "I know we have to do this. But do we know where she'll end up? What's New York's rules for this kind of thing?"

Vanessa ran a hand through her hair, "Well, the DFC tries to not break up the family. They offer parenting classes and therapy, even if the child goes to a foster home. They try to get the child to family members, but if there isn't a suitable home, the child will be put up for adoption and put into foster homes. And that's only if the parent refuses help or to give up the child and if the DFC even takes the case to court. There's also other factors, but that's the basics."

Lin sat back in his chair and let out a whistle, "That's complicated."

"Well, it is a child's future, so it should be," Vanessa commented.

"I know, I know. It's just that..she's only fifteen, V. This is a lot to deal with for a kid," Lin said pushing a strand of his long hair out of his face.

"I know, but this is for the betterment of her life. She could develop or already have issues that will have to be dealt with. The quicker, the better," Vanessa grasped Lin's hand, "I can't stand and watch a child get hurt, and I know you can't either."

"You're right, but should we tell her? She'd feel betrayed if we didn't and should we ask her for more details, or have a social worker speak to her?"

"I'm not sure if we should tell her, but I think she'll tell us more about her situation if she did it on her own," Vanessa suggested.

Lin nodded, "I think we should tell her, but not today. Let's just give her a day away from drama. In fact, I might just take her to the show with me."

Vanessa smiled, " This is why I love you, you're so nice."

Lin smiled, "Love you too."

The married couple kissed before Lin went out to make dinner and then go to the theater.


Lin had made Sofrito Verde for supper. Me, being the uncultured white girl, had it for the first time and wasn't sure if I could pronounce it right. We ate pretty early, I was used to eating at eight, but I guess I can switch to five thirty. Lin said it was because he liked to eat like two hours before a show. Anyways, Vanessa insisted on doing dishes despite my offer. Lin was grabbing his backpack and prepping for his show. Me? I was playing with Sebastian. The kid was really cute. I thought I was just going to stay here with Sebastian and Vanessa, so I was really confused when came into the living room with a hat on and said "Come on, Lark, you coming?"

"You want me to go to the theater with you?" I asked.

"Yup, come on small child." He clarified. Okay, was not expecting this. Anticipation and nerves immediately stirred in my stomach.

"Oh, okay," I stood up from Sebastian's gather of toys and went walked out of the home with Lin.

"So, you're really taking me to the show?" I asked as we walked to the elevator.

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" Lin asked. The elevator dinged and the door open. I hit the main floor button and we started to descend.

"I just didn't think you'd take me," I said simply. I mean, why would he take me? I'm just a kid he took off the street. Once I was healed enough I was gonna jet back home and pray for Mom to be home.

"Of course I'd take you, while you're with us you're my kid," Lin said. I tried to process this, someone actually wasn't bothered by me? I thought I was just going to chill at their place for a while and then I was out. I mean, they were kind to me, but when was the kindness going to go away? From my experience that's what happened when you got close to adults. Did they actually care? While you're with us you're my kid. I held back tears and noticed Lin's concerned looks at me.

"Oh, okay. That sounds...nice."

And I meant it.

Word Count: 1114
Done at 9:50 pm
Uploaded at 12:00 am
I'm behind on my writing, I should almost be done with tomorrow's update by now. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed and should check out variousawards and participate. Many awards to select you're favorite authors for. And can I just gush about the amount of reads? I'm pretty sure I had 200 reads yesterday. Now I have a total of 400 views, holy musical cucumbers. Thank you for reading!

Ever yours, hlwing

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