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 I walked Paul throughout the whole school for the rest of the day. I introduced him to the persons he needs to know for his research, the places he needs to go when he needs something important to finish or just wanted to hang out, all to his classes (which I'd rather find a bit odd since Zoey wasn't in here today, probably she called in sick to watch over Daniel and just made an excuse that she's sick or sort of, just a hunch. And I've seen Jeff as well today and I find it peculiar not seeing them together, probably he's not 'aware' of her whereabouts. Not the thing anybody would be interested to know.) Where Daniel is going in and well almost to all the things he needs to know, except for Dan's officer ship which isn't included in what he needs to be doing. There's no need for that thing to be tackled since it's his thing to know about it, sort of. He'll find out about it anyways later when Dan wakes up. Spending the rest of the day with him makes me feel and bring back some memories that were hidden away before. Daniel and I worked it out ourselves and started a new and fresh one as we went as freshmen high school students.

Speaking of him, I received a call from his mom earlier before lunch that his finger sort of flinched a bit, and that he's like groaning. She was got the news itself when she came to visit him earlier today before she went to work and she said, as soon as she went inside, she saw his finger slightly pointed upward and heard his voices somewhat like dreaming or something. They kept on telling her or me that he's recovering at a faster rate than anybody else does. I don't know if it's true but there's a great chance that he'll wake up sooner or later. I hope that it's all true, and not just false hopes. If it is, then maybe, I felt like giving up on him already. I don't know, I made a promise to love him and take care of him, but in this, those aren't applicable or true anymore. I'm just left here confused of what to do.

It will take long before he'll wake up probably, plus his reactions when he sees me the first time again might not be as pleasing as what everyone will be expecting so come. He'll either be mad or happy or excited or anxious or depressed or whatever those might be, I'm not really looking forward to those. Maybe I could spend a little bit of time with him alone so that we can talk and work things out for us. Four years of taking care of each other is not as easy to let go with as with those simpler stuff that we all know that'll go on its own. He's my one and only. I still have some precious time before he wakes up and when that's all spent; I wish it's all worth it.

I invited Paul over for lunch with me today, since he hasn't got anybody else except from me that know him very well here, it's his first day after all. No malice, no other intentions in me, just a friendly lunch with an old friend of us. People kept looking at me, glaring as we went through the halls, silently whispering at the back of my head. I don't have any clue of what they're thinking but I guess they might say that I'm having another affair with someone who is new here while Daniel is not around. There's nothing wrong about this one anyways, well except the one thing I did before this morning which got me agitated upon knowing his identity. It's like my body got more excited when he told me he's Paul. I still can't believe that my first crush (yeah, I just said that) is here and now, will be staying here for quite some time, maybe for at least till the end of the school year.

"So, tell me about you and Daniel. You haven't said anything about you yet and what was that you told me that something's happened on him. Was he somehow involved in something I should know at all or not?" Paul asked, still keeping an eye on his food as he takes a bite on his sandwich. Having a quick glance at us, you might as well think that we're already dating, but we aren't at all. I am as defensive as a gladiator in Turtle Formation (shields surrounding them like a shell of a turtle.) I still receive their death glares and a few if I can imagine them, are already shooting beams of lasers through me.

"I thought you're just here to have an enquiry about our school, not my personal life."

"Well, isn't it a bit interesting to know what's going on with you? It's been a long time since I last saw anyways." shrugging off my counter to him quickly and displeased on how I said my words. He easily dealt it with no drama at all. "Just get what you want anyways and get on with it."

His eyebrow rose, slyly smirking. How can he get this mean right now? "Pretty rough much, huh? So you're calling the shots now, aren't you? I guess that sums up how are you going and you can't just tell me to get on. I'm on unfamiliar grounds, and you're my guide here."

"Well uh, we're doing perfectly great. It's not really worth talking about it and you can ignore what I said earlier. Daniel and I are fine, honestly." I said to him avoiding his own eyes as they are closely met them. "Now, you're lying."

"Huh? No? I’m not lying to you at all. Besides why would I do that to you?"

"It’s because you're protecting the one person you couldn't protect the most. Trust me on that one Jacob, I know how it feels, been through that a lot of times already, just to give you a head start. Try not to cover him up, he won't do it to you as well." still having his meal across the table, with eyes and ears up to me, keeping me in a closed watch and keenly observing what I'm doing. I'm simply typing some random stuff on my laptop and set it in front of him and kept on acting like I was really busy, which I wasn't at all, just to keep my head full of thoughts and ignoring him for a while. But one thing snapped me, is that he still keeps on calling me 'Jacob'. I don't like being called in that name, makes me feel like seventy already.

"Enough with the interrogation please. I'm no criminal that needs this. Go talk to someone else if you will bugger me all the time." His eyebrows furrowed and leans on his chin on top of his hands crossed together with his arms standing on top of the table. Glancing at him is nerve wrecking and disturbing already. He wants to dig out every piece of information he can gather from me about us and I don't want it. I may be pulling out Daniel into the crowd and kiss him in front of everybody, but talking about it isn't right at all. I'm not feeling conveniently perfect when it's those things we're doing are being the main topic in the table, except when we're having a family get-together because of the privacy we know. Totally embarrassing, but we don't end up getting humiliated with our parents.

"Please, please tell me. I am so excited about what's going on with you two for quite a long time already. I've never heard anything from Daniel after I left plus I told him not to speak with me afterwards. So tell me, how are you really going currently?"

"Okay, looks like there's no giving up then." "Of course, I'm not the one who easily gives up! It's not my taste. I would just irritate you the whole day until you give me what I want."

"In one condition; don't ever call me by that name anymore. Jake should be fine. I'm sick of someone calling me by that."

He raised his hands, palms wide open and beamed his wide grin. They really are similarly close to each other. No wonder how they become best friends before. "Promise, I swear to you and Daniel that I wouldn't use or call you by that name, ever. Gosh, you're so full of drama. You're not like this before."

"Everybody changes as time passes by, including you and me. Besides, you've changed a lot yourself, in a way like I didn't recognize you by your looks. You're like a dork before, with some big round glasses." making circles with two of my fingers on each hand and presses them on my eyes and shakes my head. "I'm not the only one who wears glasses before you idiot. Daniel wears one too. He has poorer eyesight compared to mine. And don't change the topic please. Now tell me." giggling like a kid, with his hand curled up and covered his mouth before his face turned more serious.

I told him a lot of things that happened before, like those weird dates we had, outings and camping that were located on the very far end of the island plus we got stranded one time, a few of our arguments which includes that bitch whom I wished I didn't knew at all. Paul's expression seemed to be disturbed as I told him the details about it. He frowned and glared at me for a while before settling down when I told him that I ditched her. And when we got the news this week that she left school already, it was even more relieving to know that she's gone permanently. At least a few of my problems are slowly diminishing, I told him.

We both laughed when I talked about some of our dates, because of the reasons including Daniel's mischief, my own dilemma, and a few that are harder to explain. Tears were already on my eyes whenever I tried to remember those times we've been together and trying to recall all of them isn't as easy as it tool. Some were not taken lightly, or handled well.

He also shared some of his own stories on his place. He's got two boyfriends already and they all seemed to be all jerks for not treating the very best guy here. "You know they shouldn't really treat you like a mess. You're wonderful and kind and, well talkative and irritating at times. Who do they think they are anyways?" asking him, smashing my fists on the table. A few people were surprised around us.

"Shhh, calm down Jake. It's been a long time already and I don't care any of those bastards anyways. Like, if they're still worth it. Unlike you, you both treat each other special."

"Yeah, and I always wonder what that special means to us."

From the far side of the cafeteria, I had a glimpse of Zoey, with Jeff, who seemed to be looking for me, stretching her neck as long as it could get. Once our eyes met, she dragged her boyfriend and quickly ran towards our table. "Jake, I need to speak to you now! And oh, who's this?" One of her eyebrows rose higher than the other. "Are you telling me that you're going to ignore Daniel with this guy here? You're so sick. I am so disgusted."

"Hey Zoey, let me explain first. This is Paul, and he's new here so I have to be with him most of the time. Well he's like an exchange student here if you classify him like that and he's with the same classes as you and Daniel." pulling her arm before she could walk away after turning her back on me. "So you're Zoey. Hi, I'm Paul Reverie. Well, I hope you remember me unlike this idiot here who took most of my time earlier guessing my identity."

"Paul Reverie? I do seem to recall that name, though it's on uncharted territories of my brain already. Hmmm, are you a friend of Jake here?" She pulls off a seat and sat beside Paul who seemed to be amused with her. Jeff followed her and sat beside her. "Well, actually I'm a friend of Daniel and we sort of known each other before."

"Hmmm..." from her looks, she's thinking deep down. "I think.. Yea, you're Daniel's best friend aren't you? He mentioned you to me scarcely about what happened four or five years ago, I guess? He will be glad to see you here. Oh uhm, did Jake already mentioned to you that he's now at the hospital, in comatose?"

"Uh..." "Yes, I did mention that to him already and we're planning to go there later." I cut off Paul before he could say anything; I'm guessing a 'No'.

"Well that's settled then. We'll meet up later at the car park and Jake you must have known about this morning, about Dan."

"Yeah, I've heard it from his mom and I hope that he'll wake up soon. God knows how I miss him so much already."

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