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Nate comes into the kitchen. Hayden's eyes widen.
"Byeee!" I say with a smile.
"Fuck you" she yells as I leave the kitchen.
    ~Marie's POV~
I chug what's left in my cup, and walk into the living room where I see people dancing. Someone grabs my waist.

"You better not have a hot twin! Or a girlfriend" I say as I turn around to see Ethan. "What the fuck?" I say in a sigh. "Too bad. I qualify in both of those category's." He stated. I roll my eyes. As I stare into Ethan's eyes I think about what Grayson said.

I place my hands so they're cupping his cheeks. I stare him in the eyes and smile. "Guess who's here!" I ask. He raises an eyebrow. "Who?" He asks.

I chuckle a little and peck his lips. "Your girlfriend" I stated and leave his grasp. His eyes widen and he ducks. He pulls out his phone and sits on the floor. "What're you doing?" I ask.

He looks around and continues typing. "I was supposed to text her if I was coming. I was kinda hoping she wasn't coming though!" He stated looking around then back at his phone.

I shake my head. "Some boyfriend." I say under my breath. He looks up at me and winks. He puts his phone in his pocket. "I know! I'm amazing" he stated. I roll my eyes.

He extends an arm for me to help him up. I look around and point to myself. "What?" I ask. He glares. "I need another drink!" I stated. I blow him a kiss, and walk away. "Seriously?" I hear him ask. I nod and continue walking.

I go into the kitchen where I see Hayden. She punches my arm.


I glare at her. "Ouch!" I say. "I should kick you. How could you just leave me?" She asks. I walk past her and get another drink. "Because your slutyness has nothing to do with me." I stated.

She rolled her eyes. "Again, it's not like I want to fuck him or anything I just think he's cute!" She stated. I tilt my head to the side. "Really?" I ask sipping my drink. There was a long second of silence.

"Okay, I want to sit on his face. But shut up. I swear if you tell Aaron I will stab you, with a katana! I'm not kidding." She threatened.

I roll my eyes. "You know what? Forget guys. The guy I think is hot, is a piece of shit. Especially as a boyfriend, you wouldn't believe the shit I've seen!" I begin. "And you, you don't know wether to sit on Nate's face or to stay with Aaron. So how about we just go dance?" I suggest chugging the alcohol in my cup. She nods handing me another one. "Let's go!" She agreed.

Work by Rihanna came on. Followed by Controlla~ Drake. The last thing I remember is dancing[twerking] on some guy. After that, I can't remember a thing.

I wake up in my bed. I lift up and run a hand through my hair. I look around. I was definitely in my room.

I step out of my bed but trip over something. "Ouch!" I hear a voice. I get up and see Angie and Hayden laying on my floor.

I shake my head. "Sorry!" I apologize and walk into my bathroom. I take a shower and get in some clean clothes. When I come out I see Hayden laying on my bed with her face in one of my pillows.

She looks up at me, then places her head back into the pillow. "I have a headache!" She yelled. "Yeah, I think it's called a hangover." I stated snarkily.

She lifts her head from my pillow. "I need to pee" she stated. I chuckle and shake my head. I move to the side and wave into my bathroom. She gets up from my bed and walks in.

I go downstairs where I see Brian, shirtless, on my couch. I walk past him and into the kitchen where I grab four waters. "Brian?" I ask. "Brian?" I ask again.

He just snores. I throw the water bottle at him. "What the hell?" He asks as he wipes his eyes. "Drink that! And put your shirt on before my mom sees you!" I demand. He nods and sits up. "Yeah." He replied with his eyes closed. He ends up just falling back to sleep.

I roll my eyes and walk upstairs to my room. Angie and Hayden are laying in my bed and staring up at the celling. "Are you two okay?" I ask. "I feel great! Minus the huge headache." Hayden stated. I handed her and Angie a water.

I sit down in the chair by my window. I immediately feel a sharp pain on my thighs. I take a sip from the water bottle and put the cap back on it, placing it on my nightstand. I pull my knees to my chest, and close my eyes for a few seconds.


The next chapter might get a little smutty. So you've been warned.

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