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    ~Marie's POV~
She pulls out her phone and unlocks it. She's about to say something but Daniel's voice stops her. "Sofie stop!" He yelled.

"Uhm. I'm kinda busy, Rivera." She says while tapping her phone, looking for something. "You couldn't wait. It has to be today?" Daniel asked.

Sofie rolled her eyes and continued to tap away. Suddenly a smile comes to Sofie's face, and she puts her phone away.

"Never mind Marie. We'll talk though!" She says and waved as she walks away. Okay?

"What the hell was that about?" I ask myself watching as she walks towards Daniel.

    ~Daniels POV~
I waited for her at her locker and everything. I was prepared to tell her, then and there. But she was so worried about him, and those pictures. I couldn't tell her.

Of course I thought I would've benefit from this, but it doesn't matter anymore. Someone's going to get hurt.

I doubt she'd even believe me if I told her anyways. Ethan has her so brainwashed that he actually loves her, it's sad.

Ethan's not a good guy. She's experienced that first hand. And she'd still do anything for this guy. It actually pisses me off.

I have nothing against Ethan. I never did. All this drama I cause with him is simply because of Marie. He doesn't deserve her, and I'm sure he knows that.

I'm taken away from my thoughts by Sofie. She walks down the hall, following Marie.

She walks up to her. "Hiya?" She asks as Marie stands at her car. "Hi?" Marie responds confused. "I have a video to show you!" Sofie says. I get up from my seat.

"Ha, what is it?" Marie asks, laughing nervously. "Oh I'm sure you'll love it!" Sofie says as she takes her phone out of her pocket.

I get up. "Sofie stop!" I demand. "Uhm, I'm kinda busy Rivera!" She responded. "You couldn't wait? It has to be today?" I ask.

She doesn't say anything.

"Never mind Marie. We'll talk though!" She says. Suddenly she turns around with a mischievous smile on her face, and puts her phone in her pocket.

She walks towards me. "And I thought you were all for ending their relationship." Sofie says. "I am-"

"You were!" She interrupted me. "But now you realize your precious little slut is going to get hurt. Newsflash Rivera, it's going to end badly!" She snapped.

"You really should just stay out of it Sofie. That's between them. You don't have to get involved." I stated.

"No!" She says. "Now's the point where I should get involved Daniel. If he can't control himself, more people are going to get hurt. I'm just trying to prevent that!" She defended.

She lifts my chin with her fore finger. I raise my eyebrow, as she begins to talk. "I have a job for you!"

~Marie's POV~
He kisses me roughly, and I kiss back. But I couldn't shake my thoughts.

"Wait, wait, wait!" I order and push him off. "Babe again?" He asked. "It's just. I- you were acting weird today-"

"I already told you, a million times before, it's just school." He says. "Yeah, but I don't believe you!" I pointed out.

"Why not?" He asked. "Because, I don't." I replied. "That's not a reason." He told me. I ran a hand through my hair, and stared up at him.

"I just want to know! Before you cut me off and start ranting. Does this have anything!to do with Sofie?" I ask.

He shakes his head and sighs. He holds up nine fingers. "For the tenth time- listen! Listen closely!" He suggested, nodding slightly.

I roll my eyes and say it with him. "It's just school." He says. "It's just school." I mocked him. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Positive!" He replies.

"You sure you're you?" I ask childishly. He doesn't respond. "Well..." he starts.

"What?" I ask. He moves closer so he was near my ear. "I'm 100 percent sure!" He whispered like it was a secret, and kissed my neck.

I lay back and kiss his lips as he hovers above me. I put my hands to his chest, stopping him before we got any further. "There's one more thing." I stated.

"Yeah?" He asks. "It's about Sofie." I stated. He grabbed my wrist, pinning them to the bed. "Tell me never!" He suggested, and kissed my lips again.

[Next Day @ school]

~Ethan's POV~
"I don't know what the hell you're planning to do. But you better do it quick." Daniel stated.

"What the hell are you talking about!" I ask. "I'm talking about Sofie. Yesterday she was about to show Marie some video. She said she'll love it. And Sofie's a bitch so the video must've been bad." He stated.

My heart started to race. I furrow my eyebrows. "Did she show her?" I ask. "No. I stopped her. But she's going to do it again eventually." He started.

"And I want more than anything for Marie to leave your ass, but she won't be very kind, or pleasureful to anyone, while she's mourning over you with a broken heart!" He finished.

"So fix it!" He ordered and walked off. I roll my eyes and ran a hand through my hair.

I sigh and start walking down the hall. "Sofie!" I call. I skipped last period and walk around the school looking for Sofie, while the rest of the school is in class.

She has a free period, probably thinking up some way to ruin my life. Like always.

She sits in Mr. Scuppie's room eating a bag of chips. "How nice of you to join me Mr. Dolan!" She says but continued to stare at her phone screen.

"What the fuck Sofie?" I ask. "Watch your profanity!" She ordered laughing. She turns her phone off and looks up at me. "I'm not kidding. You were going to show her the video." I pointed out.

"Uh, yah!" She responded. "Apparently she doesn't have her phone. So I decided to just show her myself." She continued.

"Why?" I ask. "I gave you an alternative. You said no. So I had to take matters into my own hands." She pointed out. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I question raising my voice.

"You recorded it meaning you were there! You know I didn't do anything with Meredith." I say. "Are you sure Ethan? You going to keep lying?" She asks me.

"I can't hear you!" She says the bell rings signaling for us to go home. "Sof-"

"Uh! I don't listen to liars. Sorry!" She says and eats a chip. I open my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I swallow the lump in my throat, and my heart begins to speed up again.

I turn towards the door, deciding to go home and be done with it, but Meredith walks in. Behind her was Daniel, and Marie. I felt my heart stop. "Awe. Ethie is nervous." Meredith says.

"Ethan. What the hell is going on?" Marie asked, and furrowed her eyebrows. "Yes. Tell her Ethan! Or I will." Sofie warned.

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