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I arrive at her doorstep. She opens the door, when she sees me she holds a maleficent smirk on her face. "Hey Ethan." She greets. "Hi-". What is she planning?

    ~Ethan's POV~
"Hey Ethan." She greets. "Hi Meredith." I reply plainly. "Can I get my stuff?" I ask. She's in nothing but one of my blue button down shirts, and her panties.

She moves out of the way and I walk in. As I'm walking she pokes at my sides, and giggles. "Why so stiff?" She asks, and tousled my hair.

I ignore her, and walk up the stairs, into her room. "You still know where my room is." She stated, and winked. I roll my eyes.

I'm really not in the mood for her shit.

"They're right there." She pointed to her bed, and I grabbed them. As I turned around I saw her unbutton her shirt, my shirt.

She unclips them all making her way to the last button revealing to me, her almost bare body.

"Is this some type of slutty trick to get me to sleep with you?" I ask. She raises her eyebrows, and shrugs. "Let's see." She suggested.

I'm about to walk past her but she stops me, and makes me sit down in the bed. "No. Mere-"

"Shhh!" She demands and sits on my lap. "It's okay." She stated. "No one will know." She assured me as she pulled the sleeves of her shirt, my shirt, down her arms.

It falls to the floor, and the next thing she goes for is my jeans. "No one, will know." She whispered again as she undid my jeans.

~Marie's POV~
I sit at my table alone, cause stupid Angie was with stupid Grayson. And Hayden ditched me to find Brian. Assholes! So I have to sit here bored out of my mind.

I groan loudly. "What's wrong?" Daniel asks, hovering above me. I smile slightly, as he does.

He has a nice smile.
He's a beautiful creature.

"Nothings wrong." I stated. "Just bored as hell." I thought I said to myself but he chuckles, and sits down, across for me. "What would you prefer to do?" He asks.

Is he flirting? Because my answer is Ethan!
I would prefer to do Ethan. Then to sit here bored.

He looks at me, with a sly smirk.

Tempting. But, no!

"I'm in a relationship." I stated. He looks taken aback. "Really?" He asks. I nod. "With who? Ethan?" He asks.


I scoff. "No! With myself." I stated. Because I am. "And food." I continue. He smiles and nods.

"Right, my bad. I'll let you get back to that." He stated and stood up.

Does he think he's funny?

I want to make him sit his ass down and talk to me, but that's what he wants.

He can't have it!

He's about to walk away but I speak. "Don't go?" I ask. He turns around with a clearly visible smirk.

Shit! Why?

He walks back over and sits down. "Okay then." He says proudly. I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah." I respond, totally unimpressed by his gimmicks.

After school I walk out into the parking lot and immediately regret my whole life.

I don't know where the hell Ethan is, and he gave me a ride, meaning I left my fucking car at home.

I guess Daniel noticed me, a damsel in distress, 'cause he walks over. "Do you need a ride?" He asks.

I bite my lip.

"Marie, I don't bite." He stated. "Yeah I know." I responded. "Well?" He asks. I shrug.

Why the hell not?

"Yeah. Thanks." I say, and he leads me to his car. He opens the door for me and I get in.

He stops in front of my house, and unlocks the car door. He leans in.

No catfish, but uhm, I told him I was in a relationship with myself. I'm not a slut. I can't cheat. It would hurt myself's feelings, ya know?

I put my finger over his lips. "Still in a relationship with myself ya know!" I stated. I kiss his cheek, and get out.

Before I shut the door I speak again. "You need a better flirting technique." I stated, and blew him a kiss; before shutting the door.

He rolls his eyes and waved me off through the window. I wave at him before walking into my house.

    ~Grayson's POV~
I walk into the house to see Ethan, run a staggered hand through his hair.

I raise an eyebrow. "Where have you been?" I ask. His head shoots up at me.

He furrows his eyebrows. "What?" He asks. "Where. Have. You. Been?" I ask speaking slowly. "Uhm. Nowhere. Why?" He responds.

.....is he high?

"Mhm!?" I hum. "Marie's here." I lie. He hops to his feet. "Where?" He asks.

Okay? He's either high, happy to see her...

...Or he cheated on her.
Already though? Damn he's quick! It's only been three fucking days.

"She's not really here dude sit the hell down!" I order. He lets out a breath, hoarsely. "Stop fucking playing with me!" He orders.

"What did you do?" I ask. "I didn't do anything." He replied. "Why are you acting so on edge then?" I ask.

"Because, I- I can be." He replied. "Okay. Whatever. But I'm going to just go call Marie. Maybe you'd like to talk with her too?" I suggest.

He flips me off. "Go fuck yourself." He demands. "I would if I could." I respond as he walks upstairs.

What did he do?

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