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    ~Marie's POV~
"I-" He's about to say something but is cut off when the door is opened. He quickly steps back from me, and plays it cool, waiting for whoever, to enter.

To my fucking luck, it was Ethan. When Grayson sees his brother his mood changes. Then he comes up with some excuse to leave.

"Okay. It's good to know we're friends again. Drama queen." He said and laughed lightly. He faked a smile for his brother. "I'll see you later." He says, turning to me. Giving me once last, hot, glance before he walks out. He says hey to his brother before closing the door.

I look at Ethan, disapprovingly. "Okay, I know you're pissed, you have every right to be, and I will understand if you never want to speak to me again. "I don't." I say quietly. "But I wanted to give you something." He says.

"Ethan, no. I can't take anything from you." I stated. "I hate you." I explained. He rolled his eyes, and opened the box. "I shouldn't even be talking to you right now!" I continued. He pulls out a necklace and I shut up.

"What is this even for?" I ask him, and he continued to ignore me. He puts it around my neck. It rests on my chest. I play with it. "It's cute." I tell him. "But you know I can't take this!" I stated.

"Please. Even if you don't ever talk to me again." He says. "Okay." I accept. "If my hands can't be around your neck, it's good to know this necklace is." He made a sex joke. "You're a pig." I tell him.

"I am a complete asshole." He explained to me. "Yes," I agree. "And you deserve so much better than me!" He continued. "Most definitely." I agree.

"Even though I know what I did, which was nothing. You may never believe me. Which really fucking sucks. I'll continue to try and make up for it." He assured me.

"We can start over as friends." He smiled innocently. "Acquaintances." I corrected him. "We won't be friends for a while." I assure him.

"That's okay, I'll take anything." He starts. He grabs my hands. "I'm just happy you're talking to me." He pointed out. "This doesn't mean I forgive you Ethan!" I pointed out, and pull my hands back.

"You really hurt me, and I'm not gonna let you in so easy again!" I assured him. "And I understand. Believe me I do. But I'm not going anywhere." He told me.

I look at him and roll my eyes. "I'm only wasting 10 words on you a day." I told him. "10 words seems a little-"

"5." I started. "10 it is." He smiled. I laugh a little, but stop myself. "And I want you to know this right now Ethan, we will NEVER date. EVER again. I am wiping my hands with you. I will forgive but I won't forget, and I won't make the same stupid mistakes again." I declared.

"They weren't stupid-"

"Ethan I'm not compromising. The closest we will ever be again, is friends. And that's on the best day." I stated. He sighed.

"I'm gonna go home now." I say. He nods. "Goodnight." He said as I opened the door. "Goodnight Ethan." I say and walk out of the room.

I was at the top of the stairs still, when I see Grayson. He was laughing, and walking out with some girl. She grabs his hand and they make their way outside. I can only imagine what they went to go do. I roll my eyes.

Ethan and Grayson are both such stupid pricks. I mean can you believe them. They're literally the same people. Such selfish pigs.

I totally don't care where Grayson sticks his thing but at least have some class. And maybe don't get caught. Especially after he was so eager to make out with me when we were upstairs. Asshole.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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