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I sat in my room, alone, reading a magazine. I heard voices, familiar ones. The Brooks' family. It wasn't long until I was joined by Beau

"Hey, Laura" Beau greeted

"Hey Beau" I returned

"What do you want to do?" he asked

"Get drunk" I replied

"This night is going to be boring isn't it?" Beau questioned as I nodded

"Hey Laura" Jai smiled entering my room

"Hi" I replied

"Want to go penny boarding?" Beau asked

"Yeah sure, I don't see why we have to stay here" I responded

I went over to my wardrobe getting my purple penny bored and putting on my black vans

"Going somewhere?" Charlotte asked as she was with Luke

"Yeah Jai, beau and myself are going penny boarding" I replied

"Oh cool can we come?" Char asked

"Don't see why not" Jai smiled like usual

Charlotte went and got her blue penny board from her wardrobe and soon joined us out the front. I don't know why but the boys kept their penny boards in Gina's car...

"Where do you want to go?" Beau asked

"To the park or shops maybe?" I suggested

"Yeah sure" They said as we all began riding away

Beau leading the way with Charlotte and Jai while Luke and me were trailing behind, not too far though.

"I'm sorry about what happened today" Luke said breaking the awkward silence

"Whatever Luke I'm just over you and your shit!" I snapped back

The next thing I remember was riding straight into a tree I must've lost all my concentration.
"FUCK" I screamed as I began crying

"OI BEAU, CHARLOTTE, JAI" Luke called they all stopped and came back as quickly as they could

"Laura, where are you hurting?" beau asked standing over me

"My fucking arm, someone call mum" I said sobbing

"I'll call" Charlotte said, great.

About 5 minutes later Jai and beau managed to get me off the ground before my mum got there

"What happened?" Mum asked looking at me like I was a total idiot, typical though.

"She ran into the tree and fell on her arm on the pavement" Luke informed as I was in too much pain to reply

"Well let's go to the hospital and get x-rays" mum said as I was placed in the car.

Nice one Laura, nice one.


Eventually we got to the hospital and I had my X-rays. Stupidly enough I being Laura Stuart broke my arm in two places and also my collarbone

What an eventful evening I'd broken my first and second bone.

The doctors put the cast on my arm before placing a sling around my arm as well to hold it in place because of my collarbone Why did I have to be so stupid?

When we got home everyone was in the living room watching the hangover.

"Hi" I said as I walked in and sat down

"Oh my god what the fuck how much damage can a frigging tree do?" Charlotte said before falling to the floor laughing at me

"Yeah nice one Charlotte" I said getting upset.

"Goodnight" I said getting back up and standing in the doorway

"Night" everyone called except for Luke
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I walked upstairs and into my room but only this time I had one working arm. This was going to be a long 6-8 weeks

As I finally managed to put a baggy jumper on someone knocked at my door

"Come in" I said as Luke walked in

"Can you help me put my shorts on" I asked because I'd been trying for about five minutes and it wasn't working

"Yeah sure" Luke said

I sat on the bed as Luke but the shorts on my legs before pulling them up

"Thanks, why'd you come up here?" I asked

"I knew you would've been having trouble, how's your head?" Luke asked because I also hit my head when I ran into the tree leaving a bump and a black eye

"Yeah it's fine" I said as I tried getting into my bed but I almost fell over I was lucky Luke caught me.

Luke picked my small figure up and put me into bed tucking me in and kissing me on my forehead which I was fine with

"Goodnight LA" Luke said

"Luke come here" I said so he walked over to me

"What Laura?" Luke asked

I pulled him in with my functioning arm before kissing him on the lips. I just couldn't stop thinking about what happened at school.

The next thing I remember Luke laying on my bed hovering over me. we were having an intense make out session.

"Luke, Laura" Charlotte said which I withdrew from kissing Luke

"Goodnight" I said as Luke hopped off my bed and left the room

"Goodnight" Charlotte said before turning off my light and shutting me door

What an eventful night...

Laura and Luke[in editing]Where stories live. Discover now