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I woke up on the floor in my bedroom and in pajamas.

I got myself to my feet and went into my bathroom where I just started vomiting.

"LAURA OUT HERE NOW" My mum shouted from outside my door

"I can't I'm sick" I said as I vomited again my head throbbing

"NOW" My mum said in a really stern voice

I came out after I'd finished vomiting.

"Why have you changed so much laura?" my mum asked as she hugged me and a tears streaming down her face

"Because people do" I replied

"Not as badly as you" mum said, it was true I had turned into quite a bitch.

"You're going into school to apologize to your teachers and then clean your locker out. you're being homeschooled until you improve" my mum said

"Okay" I said beginning to cry

Mum drove me to school and I went and apologized to mr waters, mr de'fino and Sally. I then cleaned my locker out doing as my mum told me to.

Because she taken me there at recess people saw me cleaning out my locker one being Luke

"What are you doing?" Luke asked

"Cleaning my locker out I'm being homeschooled" I replied

"It's going to be sad not seeing you here Stuart" Luke said

"Well don't worry about me Luke and I will be your girlfriend when I return" I said

"Great" Luke said before kissing me.

"Enjoy being a single dad" I said as I finished clearing my locker out

"Cya beautiful" Luke said

"Bye" I said as I kissed him on the cheek walking back to the office.


"Why was my sister here?" I asked

"Your mums homeschooling her" Luke replied

"What?" I said looking shocked

"Yeah, she'll be back when she's better" Luke said

"That'll be a long time" I said.

"Is Laura gone?" Jai asked standing with Lucy

"Yeah apparently my mums going to homeschool her" I said

"Wow" Jai said

"I had no idea, she really pushed mum and dad to the limit" I said

"Yeah" Jai said

"Come over after school, both of you" I said I couldn't let my sister not have a social life. Luke and Jai meant so much to her but especially Luke.

Laura and Luke[in editing]Where stories live. Discover now