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The three of us arrived at school 10 minutes late, so we had to sign in at the front office.

"Great we have health first" I said sarcastically as we grabbed our books

"Aren't we learning about sex ed?" Luke questioned with a smirk on his face

"I think so" I replied before blushing a bit

When we arrived at class we were greeted by almost every pair of eyes in the room looking directly at us

"Looks like both sets of twins decided to join us on this wonderful morning" Sally smiled, purely fake.

"Sorry we're late" Charlotte apologised as we all taken our seats at the back of the room.

"Okay so everyone find yourselves a partner of the opposite gender" Sally said

"Charlotte, my partner" Jai said leaving me instantly with Luke, great

"Okay instead of us continuing with sex ed you're going to be looking after a virtual baby" Sally said

So now Luke and me were going to be parents to a dumb baby that makes it a tonne load better, said no one ever.

"Everyone come and pick a baby" Sally said as the class got up and rushed to the front, no one wanted to be left with the cracked baby a student had a few years back.

"Let's get the one with the blue eyes so it can look more like its mummy" Luke said pointing to the baby

"Yeah whatever" I said Luke went and got the baby before coming back

"What are we going to name her?" I asked

"How about Anabelle" Luke suggested

"Sure" I said even though that was my middle name

"Okay so these will be the babies you will have to look after for the next two months with your partner" Sally said as Luke handed me the virtual baby that had started crying

"I knew you couldn't handle it" I said taking the baby before finding the batteries to pull out of the baby

"Miss Stuart put the batteries back in the baby" Sally said

"I made it stop crying" I played innocent as the class laughed

"Alright detention after school" Sally said

"I've already got plans" I said as I gathered my books and left Luke to look after the dumb baby


"Already a single dad" I laughed

"Very funny" Luke replied before letting out a fake laugh

Luke put the batteries back in the baby as it began to cry again but stopped it from continuing much longer

The bell rang after Sally finished talking about how to hold the baby and stuff.

"Okay you have to take them with you from this point onwards" Sally said

"You can take the first duty" Charlotte said handing me the baby

"Geez thanks Char, such a responsible mother"I said jokingly and taking our baby Ryan.

Charlotte carried my books while Luke had to manage carrying his baby and carrying his books

"Want some help Luke?" Charlotte offered

"Yeah please" He replied handing her his books

"Hi" Laura said as she began walking with us her eyes red

Laura and Luke[in editing]Where stories live. Discover now