Half and half day

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Being back in the atmosphere of the gym was the best I put my bag in the locker room before taking my towel and hanging it over the treadmill where I began a slow jog after I stretched

"You've got a good stride" the gym instructor said as he watched me run

"Thanks" I replied

"No problems have you ever thought of a career in personal training?" the instructor asked

"Not really, I have no clue what I want" I replied

"Oh alright if you decide you want to pursue a career in sport come here I can help" the instructor said

"Thanks" I replied hopping off the treadmill and into the locker rooms where I had a shower and got changed into a crop top and denim shorts

I was walking out of the gym when I bumped into Luke who seemed pretty pissed off

"When'd you get here?" Luke asked as he looked down at me

"About two hours ago that's why I'm leaving" I replied

"Alright" Luke said

"Yeah I'm going to go visit someone" I said

"Who?" Luke asked

"A friend" I replied walking off

I really wasn't going to visit anyone I just wanted to go away. Yes even though Luke and me have just spent a week away from each other I still haven't been overly excited to see him mean right?

I drove to highpoint where I decided I was going to buy anything I liked or wanted- retail therapy is all I needed at the moment

I walked into a teen clothing store where I think I spent about $200 on singlets, denim shorts and a couple of dresses

I then walked into Jay jays where I bought a set of overalls for $50 and some tank tops for $60 I also bought Luke some tops I thought he'd like for $75. I then made my way over to factorie where I bought a crop top that had meow on it and another set of black jellies for a total of $30

I then went to cotton on where I bought some more shorts and dresses for $100.

After my haul I decided it was time to head home

By the time I got in the driveway it was 6 pm I'd spent about 4 hours in the shops and spent about $495

"Hey can someone help me please?" I asked as I came inside

"What have you done?" Beau asked

"A bit of shopping" I replied

"How much did you spend?" Beau asked as he saw all the bags in the back of my car

"A fair bit but it's not all for me, the girl clothes will fit Charlotte and the guy clothes I bought will fit you, Jai and Luke" I replied

"Alright but don't you think you went a bit over the top?" Beau asked

"Maybe, well yeah" I replied as we taken the bags upstairs into my room

"What the hell?" Luke asked as he sat up from my bed

"What?" I asked

"How much money did you spend?" Luke asked

"Around $500" I replied

"How'd you get through the shops with all them bags?" Luke asked

"I don't know" I replied as I chuckled

"Alright want to go for a walk like just us?" Luke asked

"Yeah it would be nice" I replied as we walked out of my room and downstairs passing Jai and Charlotte on the way. I decided to ignore them both and keep walking

Luke and myself walked over to his house where no one had been living for about 2-3 weeks now, but because Luke had his keys we went inside

"It feels weird coming back here" I said

"Yeah it does I want to do something I'll be back in a moment" Luke replied walking off into his room.

He came out playing his guitar where he began serenading me.

He'd created a whole song just for me, Luke was just amazing.

"I'm the worst girlfriend" I said when Luke finished because in his song he'd picked up on all my small features he really paid attention to detail.

"No you're not Laura you're the perfect girlfriend" Luke replied making me cry

Luke embraced me and carried me into his bedroom where he placed me down on his bed before we began making out.

"Stop" I said pulling out realizing that I didn't want it to lead onto anything else

"Sorry" Luke replied holding me in his arms

"What's this?" Jai asked standing in the doorway with his arms folded

"Why are you here?" Luke asked

"I had to get something, why are you here oh wait I can see" Jai replied as I rolled off Luke's top bunk

"Oh shit" is what I remember hearing when I hit my head and lost consciousness.


"She's got no pulse Jai" I said worrying

"Okay okay don't panic Luke I'll call for an ambulance" Jai replied

"Okay and we need to do CPR" I said as soon as Jai got off the phone and we began doing CPR

It wasn't long until we got Laura back to breathing and the ambulance arrived

"Hello patients name?" the paramedic asked

"Laura Stuart" I replied

"Okay and do you know if she's been on any medication in recent times?" the paramedic asked

"Not to sure sorry" I replied

"Um when I was in her bedroom today I came across some pills that were in her drawer while I was looking for something for her sister" Jai replied

"Can you tell me what they were" the paramedic asked

"They had something to do with weight loss" Jai replied

"Okay thanks" the paramedic said as they taken her body from our bedroom floor and put her in the back of the ambulance before driving off.


I woke up to a bright light shining in my eye

"Get that away from me" I said opening my eyes and pushing the light away

"We just have to check your eyes" the doctor said as I realized I was in hospital with a killer headache and my arm in a cast.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me I broke my arm again" I said stating the obvious causing Luke to laugh

"It's good to have you back Laura" Luke said standing at my bedside

"I just want to go home" I said

"Okay we've checked you out and you're right to go but no more medication" the doctor said

"Great" I said sitting up and getting out of bed carefully and hiding the fact the doctor said no more medication

Luke helped me out to the waiting room where Beau, Jai, Charlotte and Gina were waiting.

"You gave us a scare Laura" Beau said hugging me

"How?" I asked

"When you fell you'd stopped breathing Luke and Jai had to try get you to breath" Beau replied

"What the fuck?" I said shocked I'd had a near death experience.

"Laura we need to talk when we get home" Luke said as we walked to the car

"Okay" I said unsure what Luke was talking about

Laura and Luke[in editing]Where stories live. Discover now