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I'd now been in the hospital for two weeks but today I was being released. I ate and did everything the doctors asked of me and they came to the conclusion I was better, even though I really wasn't I just didn't want to spend another night there.

Mum decided to visit after she got back from her holiday in Lombok, she seemed to be quite happy.

"Ready to go?" mum asked

"Yeah" I replied as I smiled (fake of course)

"Well then let's go" mum said as we mum wheeled me out to her car and helped me in.

"I want to be able to walk without feeling any pain" I said as mum started the car

"Darling the pain will go away, just give it time" mum said

"How's Charlotte?" I asked

"She's good, she has been staying at Gina's with Jai whilst Luke has been at James' home" mum replied

"He still hasn't gone back home?" I enquired

"No, he isn't overly stoked about the L.A thing" mum replied

"What L.A thing?" I asked

"Oh he hasn't told you, just don't worry Laura he'll tell you when he's ready" mum replied

"Mum what are you talking about you're scaring me" I said

"Laura just don't worry love, everything is fine" mum said


I wheeled myself inside and made my way through to the living room where there everyone was

"Hey gorgeous" Luke said as I gave a weak smile

"What's this thing I hear about L.A?" I enquired as Luke went empty

"Can we talk about this somewhere else?" Luke asked

"Sure, you can take me to the park" I replied as Luke wheeled me outside and down the street

"You're still light Laura" Luke said as he pushed me

"Yeah I ate like I was told and did everything the doctors asked of me, they said I was ready to go home" I said as Luke sat on the park bench

"Now what is this thing about L.A?" I enquired again

"Well the thing is Laura, please don't get upset or anything. It's just the boys and myself are kind of moving to L.A" Luke replied as my jaw dropped

I sat and just looked at Luke in utter shock for a few minutes I didn't know that it would ever happen nor did I expect my boyfriend to be leaving

"So what does this mean for us?" I asked

"A long term relationship I'm not sure Laura, I've been thinking about this for ages and trying to think of a way for it too work" Luke replied

"When do you go?" I asked

"In two weeks" Luke replied as a tear fell from my eye followed by another

"Beautiful don't cry, you're my one. I love you Laura" Luke said

"We are just going to be separated so we might as well just end everything here" I said

"No Laura, you can't think like that, I love you so much and I don't want to lose you." Luke said

"We are just going to end up splitting" I said

"Laura, we won't if you have faith" Luke said

"We will because you'll find some smoking hot amazing girl, that's 100 times better than me and you'll move on. it's was happens Luke so don't say we won't split up because we will" I said

"Fine then Laura if that's what you think" Luke said getting up and walking off leaving me to try and get home.

I pulled my phone out and waited for an answer

"Yeah Laura" Beau said

"Can you come get me Luke left me at the park" I said as tears began forming in my eyes

"Sure, I'll be there as soon as possible" beau said as he hung up and I waited


"Why'd did he leave you?" Beau asked

"I'd prefer not to say" I replied

"Alright, that's fine" Beau said as he wheeled me down the street and back home

"Is Luke here?" I asked as Beau bought me through to the living room

"No" Jai replied

"Oh um alright" I said as I made my way through to the kitchen

I grabbed a drink of water from the fridge and wheeled back to the living room.

"Do you need help with anything?" Jai offered

"I'm fine" I replied as I tried getting up from my wheelchair and began walking as carefully as I could before going into the other living room and falling asleep on the couch

Laura and Luke[in editing]Where stories live. Discover now