Afternoon and night

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After a long day, Luke and myself walked home.

By the time we got home it was after 4 and Gina was waiting for us

"Hey mum" Luke said as we entered the house

"Hi Lukey do either of you know where Jai and Char are?" Gina asked looking concerned

"No why?" I asked looking confused

"Don't worry darling" Gina replied

"Alright" I said going up stairs with Luke and into my room.

"Wonder why mums worried" Luke said taking a seat on my bed as he removed his shoes

"Who knows what the pair of them have done" I replied

"Yeah" Luke said putting his shoes away to keep my room clean

"I'll be back in a minute" I said walking into my bathroom and changing into my knitted jumper and denim shorts

I came back out after getting changed to see Luke on my laptop

"What you looking at?" I said laying down on my bed

"Just twitter" Luke replied turning off my Mac and laying down next to me.

"Can I come in?" Beau asked standing in my doorway

"Yeah, always welcome Beau" I said as Beau came in and laid next to me pinning me in between Luke and Beau, great.

"How was school?" Beau asked

"Yeah, I broke someone's nose and got in two fights with her" I said

"What'd the bitch do?" Beau said

"She was all like I'm suing but I laughed" I replied

"That's how I taught you Toto" Beau said laughing

I fell asleep while talking to Beau and Luke but I'd had a long day.

I got woken up to the feeling someone was shoving me to wake up

"Laura wake up" Charlotte said

"What I was sleeping" I said a bit angry

"Yeah whatever, dinners ready" Charlotte said seeming angry

"Alright" I said getting up and going downstairs to see everyone sat around the table

"Hi" I said taking a seat next to Luke and opposite Jai and Charlotte with Gina and Beau at either end of the table.

"How was your nap?" Luke asked

"Yeah it was good I guess why?" I said

"Because you seem to like talking when you sleep" Luke said laughing

"What was I saying?" I asked

"I'll tell you later" Luke replied

"Okay" I said

"Heard from mum and dad?" I asked Gina

"Yeah they're doing fine darl don't worry" Gina said

"Alright" I replied

"After dinner can we play truth or dare, like between us 4?" I asked

"Yeah" Charlotte, Jai and Luke replied

"Cool" I said

After dinner we all taken our duvets and pillows into the theatre room before playing truth or dare

"Truth or dare Luke" Charlotte said

"Truth" Luke replied

"How long did it take you to love Laura?" Charlotte asked

"About a month after we were going out for the first time" Luke replied

"Okay" Charlotte said

"Truth or dare Jai" Luke said

"Dare" Jai replied

"I dare you to tell us if you and Charlotte are together" Luke said

Jai gave Charlotte a look before giving a simple nod

"KNEW IT" Luke shouted

"Alright keep it down. truth or dare Laura?" Jai asked

"Um truth I guess" I said

"What's something you love about me?" Jai asked laughing

"That you're my related to my boyfriend" I replied

"Wow that's so touching" Jai said sarcastically making me playfully punch him in the arm

"Okay truth or dare Charlotte?" I asked

"Dare" Charlotte replied

"Okay I dare you to tell us why you kept your relationship between Jai and yourself a secret" I said

"We kept it a secret because of you two constantly arguing and we didn't want to make it awkward" Charlotte replied

"Okay then" I replied

"Truth or dare Luke?" Charlotte asked

"Dare" Luke replied

"I dare you to ask Gina if you can have a tampon because you've got your period and if she says no have be emotional about it" Charlotte said as we all laughed

Luke and me went upstairs and into my parents room which at the moment was being used by Gina

"Mum" Luke said

"Yeah Lukey" Gina replied

"I got my period and I need a tampon" Luke said trying to make himself look upset

"Luke don't be stupid" Gina replied

"I'm not FUCK why does no one ever listen to my problems" Luke said getting emotional

"Luke stop being stupid" Gina said

"Alright sorry mum" Luke said giving Gina a hug as we left the room

"That was the weirdest thing I've ever asked my mum" Luke said laughing

"That was so awkward just standing there listening" I replied also laughing

"Yeah" Luke replied as we walked into my room I guess we had finished playing.

Luke and me decided to get our pillows and my duvet before hoping in bed

"Goodnight LA" Luke said before kissing me on the cheek

"Goodnight Brooksy" I replied cuddling Luke where I fell asleep listening to his heart beat.

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