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"Finally we are home" I said as I planted myself down on the couch

"Where are we putting the twins?" Luke asked

"I think we are going to move their cots out here and then with some of the money dad left I'll go buy a bed for Gina" I replied

"Darling I can go buy one, with the money from all the stuff I've sold" Gina said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Positive, after all I'm moving in" she replied

"Well then Luke can you take your mum to go buy a bed and I'll move everything around" I said

"Sure" Luke replied



"There's something that we need to do for Laura" I said to Luke as we walked through a furniture shop

"Which is?" Luke asked

"Judith gave me a certain amount of money to help Laura start off but I don't know how to give it to her because it's for a car and such" I replied

"Maybe you go buy the car and just say it's money from the house" Luke suggested

"And that's why you are my son" I said as I stopped at a bed and looked at it

"I like this one" I said

"Well get it" Luke said



I was in the middle of cleaning up when there was abrupt knocking at the door

Slowly making my way over, it was someone to familiar that I couldn't recognise who the girl was

"Hello" I said

"Laura it's great to see you, can I stay with you for a bit?" the girl asked her hair drained with deep blue hair dye and wore black.

Her eye makeup was all dark and black and she had a boy-short haircut. She was really slim, around 35-40 kilograms and just taller than me by a few centimetres

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked as I began panicking

"Charlotte, your sister Char" she replied as I noticed her light blue eyes the same as mine

"Why are you here? how did you find me?" I asked as I opened the door and let her in whilst I was in slight shock

"Issues, Laura and Luke told me where you were so I tracked you down" Charlotte responded

"You've lost so much weight, what's happened?" I asked

"Jai was on a fitness thing so I joined in and dieted but then I began over exercising. I couldn't handle Los Angeles anymore and I can't go home because mums gone and also Jai and me are over" Charlotte said as she began breaking down

"Come here" I said as I pulled her into a hug and let her ruin my shirt which was Luke's with her dark eye makeup

"Your hair was so beautiful" I said

"Was Laura, was. Look at me I look like trash" Charlotte said as she wiped her last tears and forced a smile

"Didn't know we had an audience" I said as Luke and Gina stood in the living room, when'd they come inside

"Charlotte, darling" Gina said as she hugged her and Luke sat down

"I'm going to go check on the twins" I said walking off grabbing Madeline from the cot and bringing her back to the living room

"Madels" Luke said whilst a smile appeared on his face as I sat down next to him on the couch and he began playing with Madeline's hands

"She's so cute, what's her name?" Charlotte asked as a smile appeared

"Madeline but we call her Madels or Maddi" I replied

"Madels is such an adorable nickname" Charlotte said as Logan began crying

"Luke can you hold her and I'll go get the other one" I said handing Luke Madeline before going over to Logan and bringing him into the living room

"What's his name?" Charlotte asked

"Logan" I replied

"Aww he's so cute, I want him" Charlotte said

"Were there any complications when they were born?" Charlotte asked

"Well when they were born, Maddi was fine but then the doctors had to take Logan and then we were in hospital the other day with him because he had a blood clot" I replied

"Luke did you make it in time to see them born?" Charlotte enquired

"Nope, it was all over but I saw them named and got to take Logan back in the room" Luke replied

"Are you two together?" Charlotte asked

"Nope" I replied

"Luke can I speak with you in my room?" Gina asked as the pair of them walked off, while Luke handed me Madeline

"Do you want to hold Madeline?" I asked

"Please" Charlotte replied as she carefully taken Madeline from my arms

"She's so beautiful, Madels has our blue eyes" Charlotte said looking down at her

"Originally her eyes were brown but they changed" I said

"That's bizarre" Charlotte said

"Well I wasn't even meant to be able to have kids but look how wrong the doctor was" I said

"Can I hold Logan?" Charlotte asked

"I would let you but because we haven't been home long from the hospital and after the scare we had the other day I don't want let him go" I said

"That's fine another time. So am I able to stay here?" Charlotte asked

"Yeah you can, it's just I need to find a job or else I will have no money if a few weeks" I replied

"Thank you so much Laura" Charlotte said

"When you answered beaus phone, why'd you have it?" I asked

"I was in Beaus room, relaxing because Jai and me had just been arguing and then his phone rang so I answered" Charlotte responded




Hello hello

Charlottes returned, are people returning or what's happening?

-There's two chapters left ermagerd-

I'm going to start writing a sequel to this but I need a title :)

You're all beautiful if someone hasn't already told you that today :) xx

Stay prepared for the two chapters, I'm not sure when I shall update but it won't be long.

I won't update tomorrow because it's Monday and we need some suspense I guess? haha




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