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I woke up to Luke and Beau calling my name telling me dinner's ready.

"Hmm what?" I asked opening my eyes and sitting up.

"Dinner's ready" Luke said

"Mmm I'm not hungry I feel sick" I said because I really did

"Okay, just come downstairs anyways" Beau said

"Okay" I said getting off my bed and making my way downstairs to see a tall man standing in the kitchen

"DAD!" I screamed at the sight on seeing him because I hadn't seen him in a month

"Rara" dad replied before hugging me

"It's great to see you" I said

"Great to see you to darling" dad said

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Your mother and me have some news for you girls" dad said

"What's the new?" I asked

"Wait until Charlotte comes downstairs" dad replied

"CHARLOTTE GET YOUR ASS DOWNSTAIRS NOW" I shouted from the kitchen

"I'll be down in a minute" Charlotte said


"Shit Jai hurry up and get dressed" I said as Laura shouted

"Alright, I'm trying to be quick" Jai replied

"They can't know about us" I said as I put my shorts on and walking out of my bedroom Jai following behind.


"DAD" Charlotte screamed like what I did

"What have they been up to?" Luke whispered in my ear because Jai's hair was messy and Charlottes shirt was messed up

"I don't want to know" I replied before letting out a small laugh

"Okay so girls your mother and myself have news" dad said

"Yeah but what is it?" I asked

"We are going away together to see if we can sort put our problems which means the pair of you will be home alone" dad said

"Yeah that's fine" I said

"But we don't want you to be home alone by yourself which is why Beau, Luke and Jai will be moving in with you along with Gina" dad said

"What?" I said not believing what I'd just heard.

"Just so you don't do anything stupid" mum added in.

"Alright cool" I said as the doorbell rang so Jai and Charlotte went to answer it

They came back into the kitchen with Gina and she had her bags with her

"You're going tonight?" I asked

"Yeah sorry it's short notice darling but we need to sort everything out" dad said

We farewelled mum and dad before we had to sort out sleeping arrangements.

"I'll sleep with Jai" Charlotte said

"Not like you already do that" I said quietly under my breath Luke must've heard me because he began laughing

"Whats so funny?" Charlotte asked looking dumb

"Nothing just a quiet inside joke" I said laughing

"Alright then" Charlotte replied as she took Jai upstairs and into her room

"Why don't they just come out with it, when we were together we didn't hide anything from them" I said to Luke as I hugged him

"We sort of did and we still are together sort of Laura" Luke said

"What do you mean?" I asked looking up to his beautiful chocolate brown eyes as I was in his embrace

"We still hug and kiss like couples" Luke said looking down at me

"I guess we could be then" I replied

"Will you be my girlfriend Laura" Luke asked

"Yes" I replied kissing him as he picked me up in the air and spun me around still kissing me.

When I was finally put back down we just hugged until Gina came in the room

"Okay, Beau you get the spare room, I'm taking the master, Charlotte and Jai are sharing which leaves you two" Gina said

"We'll share it's fine" Luke said

"You sure Laura?" Gina asked

"Yeah it's fine" I replied taking Luke upstairs to my room to hear a loud bang coming from charlottes room

"They aren't right now are they?" I asked Luke

"I think they are" Luke said


"SORRY" Charlotte shouted back

"I'm tired I think I want to go bed" I said as I put my pajamas on

"Alright" Luke said as he climbed into bed and I soon joined him after I switched off my light

Luke and me just cuddled until I fell asleep which wasn't long because I was smashed. but we were now back together

Laura and Luke[in editing]Where stories live. Discover now