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I was woken up to my very much sport enthusiast twin sister Charlotte

"Get up I don't want to be late" Charlotte said shaking my frame

"Oh good morning, how are you today Laura? oh yeah good thanks" I said sarcastically before having the help of Charlotte getting me out of bed, not forcefully like expected

I had a shower and got dressed in my dumb penola sport uniform before going downstairs and into the kitchen for breakfast

"Good morning" I said to Adam and Ang

"Morning" they both replied

Adam and Ang made us pancakes for breakfast which only had on rare occasions like Easter or our birthday but what was I to complain we got pancakes

"Thanks" I smiled after I finally settled on three pancakes with Nutella, fattening I know.

"You're welcome" Adam replied

I went upstairs and brushed my teeth before packing my bag. due to my bag having nothing breakable inside it I kicked it downstairs

"BE CAREFUL!" Ang yelled making me feel intimidated

"Sorry it's just no one was here to help me" I replied half-way down the stair

"Ask next time" Ang said, her tone was harsh as she walked off into the living room.

By the time I got downstairs Charlotte had my bag in her arms as we headed out the door. Charlotte drove us to school but I knew it wasn't going to be total silence, because why would it?

"So that kiss last night" Charlotte smirked

"Don't bring it up, I was on medication" I said even though I was lying.

"Was the kiss good?" Charlotte inquired

"Maybe it was maybe it wasn't" I shrugged as I began smiling like an idiot and blushing, God Laura wait to make it obvious

When we got to school Charlotte carried my bag until Luke and Jai came over, where Luke started carrying it

"Morning" I said nudging Luke with my good arm

"You might break that arm next if you bump into me" Luke said smirking as I began to blush again

The bell rang so we went to home room and had the roll done.

Many people came up to me asking if I'd been bashed because I forgot to cover my black eye with foundation.

Jai came over and told them to go away and stop hassling me, which I was extremely thankful for.

"Ready to go to the oval?" Jai asked because that's were the carnival was

"Yeah whatever I can't participate anyways" I said getting a bit annoyed

every year Charlotte and myself compete not only against each other but also against Tahan because our family is really sporty

"Okay, let's go" Jai said carrying my bag with Charlotte and Luke next to us

We got to the oval and sat down after talking to Lucy for a bit because something seemed up with her.

The first place we had to go to was discus it was good that our year level was together

I watched Luke take the discus before doing three practice swings and releasing it out of his perfect hands.

I had to snap out of the thought we weren't together anymore Laura stop a voice said in my head it was like my conscience telling me.

Laura and Luke[in editing]Where stories live. Discover now