6 weeks

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A few things have happened over the last 6 weeks my mum and dad have split, Luke and me are arguing non stop because he's hooking up any girl at school from what Charlotte and Jai have told me oh and I'm now able to do sport again because I've had my cast removed. 1 more thing I returned to school today.

I woke up this morning a bit panicked because I didn't know what would happen walking back into those school grounds and everyone seeing me after a long time...

After I had a shower and got dressed I headed downstairs and had a cup of tea before heading back upstairs brushing my teeth and doing my hair before packing my bag and heading downstairs

"Ready to go?" Charlotte asked

"Yeah" I said as Charlotte chucked me the car keys as I hoped in the front

I reversed the car out the driveway and drove to school. Charlotte and myself just listened to the radio because they were playing all the new songs.

I pulled up to school after 20 minutes of driving and got out to see Luke making out with yet another girl

"Don't let him affect you Laura" Charlotte said as we walked over to our locker.

I remained calm not trying to seem jealous but then Luke came over and began talking to me

"You're back" Luke said happily placing his arm around me

"You've moved on you jerk" I said as I got my last book and went with Charlotte and Jai to registration

"Laura it's good seeing your happy face back" Jai said

"You've had charlottes face to look at after all we are twins Jai" I replied before laughing

"Yeah but" Jai said but I cut him off

"Yeah but I'm the friendly one" I said sounding modest

"Boo you whore" Charlotte said quoting Regina George in mean girls

"Love you too darling" I replied as we all walked into class to have everyone's eyes on me and whispering amongst themselves

"What are they saying about me?" I asked Jai as we taken out seats

"Dunno" Jai said having his regular dopey facial expression

it wasn't long before Luke walked in the room and taken a seat next to me

"Please don't sit next to me" I said as I felt a burst of anger inside me

"K" Luke replied as he got up and sat with a group of bimbos

"Jerk." I said

"Don't worry Laura, his just trying to make you jealous" Jai said

"Yeah I guess, I'll meet you in class" I said as I got up and left.

I had to go and take a walk I didn't want anyone to see how jealous I was of every girl that was with Luke.

"Hey" I said taking a seat near Jai in English

"Where'd you go?" Jai asked

"Needed a walk" I replied taking out my books

"Laura no matter what you're my best friend and you can talk about how pathetic Luke's being" Jai said

"Yeah I know" I replied

"Okay Laura even though you're back it doesn't mean you can sit and talk to Jai the whole time during my lesson" Mr de'fino said standing in front of Jai and myself.

"Sorry sir" I replied as Luke walked in the class and his uniform all messed up he hadn't had he?

"Who's the newest skank?" Charlotte asked as Luke taken a seat next to her

"Shut up Char" Luke replied with a smirk on his face look directly at me

"Ignore him Laura" Jai said seeing the anger in my face

"I'm gonna take a walk before I hit him" I said getting up and leaving without asking

I walked into an empty classroom and sat by the door before crying.

Why did he have such an effect on me?

I pulled my phone out to see Luke messaged me

Laura where are you? I'm sorry I didn't know I meant that much xx

So I decided to reply still crying

Leave me alone

It wasn't long before someone knocked at the door, shit

"Laura I know you're in there" Luke said, how the fuck did he know?

"Go away" I said as I began to cry again

"Laura I will come in if you don't let me in" Luke replied

"Don't just go" I said before getting up of the ground and kicking the wall.

"Laura" Luke said as he came in

"Fuck off I don't want to be around anyone and especially you" I replied as I moved further into the room and Luke coming closer until I was pinned in between the wall and Luke.

"Luke don't" I said as Luke went in for it and kissed me I pulled away instantly before he kissed me again

"Laura you love it when I kiss you" Luke said in between kissing me. the thing is I basically stopped fighting and began kissing him back.

"Alright stop" I said as I pulled away

"What's wrong Laura?" Luke asked

"I'm not going to be apart of some players victim list, so stop." I said before getting out of Luke's grip and leaving the room. Did I really need him in my life?

As I began walking the bell rang for my next class, art.

I walked in the class as everyone had just put their books down. I went to take a seat next to Jai but someone raced over and taken the spot. I went and sat on my own until someone sat next to me. I didn't bother checking who it was because I had my head buried among my arms and looking at the desk.

"Laura, long time no see" one of the boys said as I raised my head to see none other then James

"Hey James" I said instantly smiling

"What's wrong?" James asked

"Nothing don't worry about it" I replied

"Alright then..." James began saying but was cut off as the class began laughing because of something stupid but all I could think is who the fuck cares.

I was looking out the window when have a guess what it was, Luke but instead of him making out with another bimbo he was trying to tell me to meet him outside but I ignored him and continued with talking to James.

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