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"Sorry" I said as I sat down in front of Luke

"It's fine" Luke said looking upset from before

"No I am" I said as I placed my hand in his as he smiled at me. That killer smile really did make me melt inside it was just so god dam amazing

After we all finished eating we all got in the car and drove home.
"Are you going to stay for dinner?" Mum asked the boys as we stood in the kitchen

"Yeah sure" Jai replied happily as Luke just nodded

We walked upstairs and I went into my room Luke following me

"Could you help me get put of this stupid uniform?" I asked awkwardly standing in the centre of my room

"Yeah sure" Luke replied

I got my clothes out of my dresser and handed them to Luke.

He helped me take my shirt off before putting my singlet on me.

"Can you get Charlotte" I said as I didn't want Luke seeing me in just a singlet and my underwear.

"Sure thing" Luke said as he called Charlotte as she came in

"Yeah Laura?" Charlotte asked with Jai standing next to her

"Can you help me get these shorts on?" I asked as I held them out to her

"Come on" she responded as we went into my bathroom and put them on me.

We came out after about 5 minutes of us trying to get the dam shorts on

"Take a century why don't you?" Jai said as him and Luke laid on my bed

"Well when you've got a broken arm and collar bone yes it's going to take a long time" I replied before walking over to my bed where Jai got up and I laid down

"Jai and me are going penny boarding" Charlotte said as they left the room leaving me alone with Luke

"I'm sorry for before" I said for like the millionth time

"Don't worry about it" Luke replied as he laid down with me

"What?" Luke asked

"Hmm I didn't saying anything" I said coming out of my daydream

"You did Laura you said that you still loved me" Luke said

"What?" I asked looking confused. Did I already confess my love for Luke?

"LAURA" dad shouted from downstairs. I got off the bed with the help of Luke as he came downstairs with me quickly

"Yeah dad?" I asked looking confused because I had no clue if I had done anything wrong but I must've because he was a tad upset

"Your mother was calling you from outside" dad said as I went outside

"Yeah mum?" I asked

"Can you go check the roast?" mum asked taking the last of the washing off the line

"Yeah sure" I replied walking back inside, with Luke still with me.

I went into the kitchen to see Angela checking the Lamb

"Beat me to it" I chuckled

"Did Judy ask you to check it?" Ang asked

"Um yeah but you are so I guess I can leave you to it because you seem to have the hang of it" I smiled walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"You've got a confusing life" Luke stated

"Now what would give you that idea" I said as I rested my head on the end of the couch

"True true" Luke said letting me out my feet on his lap as he began massaging them

"Laura don't you have studying to do?" Dad asked as he walked into the room

"I'm resting" I replied putting a cushion over my head

"Did you just back chat me?" Dad asked seeming a bit angry

"Yeah father apparently I did but I guess that's because I don't think you need to come and tell me off. I'm having a break and I don't need your shit" I replied going straight off to my room

I went and laid on my bed before falling asleep a while later. Somehow I woke up to Luke's voice

"Laura dinners ready" Luke said at my door

"I will be there in a moment" I said as I fell off my bed straight on my broken arm. I let out a little scream before getting myself to the door and opening it.

"Why're you on the floor?" Luke asked pulling me up, hands around my waist

"I fell off my bed when you woke me" I replied

"Sorry" Luke said hugging me before we pulled away and went downstairs to the living room

"The pair of you take your time don't you?" Charlotte said eagerly waiting to eat

"Sorry" I replied as I taken my spot next to Luke


"The roast, was delicious thanks Mrs Stuart" Luke said trying to be polite

"You're very much welcome" mum replied pleased with his manners

"Can I go to bed?" I asked glancing at the clock because I was bored out of my misery

"It's only 8 Laura, it's just a bit early" mum said

"I know it's just been a long day" I said

"If you want then I can't stop you" mum replied as I got up from the table and went into my bedroom

"Why can't I get these dam clothes on?!" I screamed as I was trying to get my pajamas on

"Want some help?" Luke asked on the other side of my door

"Yeah" I replied as he came inside

"Just with the jumper" I said

"What about the pants?" Luke asked

"It's fine I'm just going to wear these shorts to bed" I replied

"Okay" Luke said as he got my jumper on

"You're getting skinnier Laura" Luke stated

"No I'm not" I replied he must've looked at my size tag

"Yeah you've dropped a size" Luke said because I'd gone from being a 10 to an 8

"Could you not read my labels" I said

"Sorry, need me to put you to bed" Luke said

"Yeah please" I replied as he picked me up placing me under the covers.

"Goodnight" I said before kissing him on the cheek

"Night Laura" Luke said as he turned my light off and walking out the room

I used my phone for a while before eventually switching it off after receiving a text from Luke

Luke: Goodnight beautiful x :)

Of course I had to reply.

Me: Night Luke, cya tomorrow. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite ;)

Luke: promise I won't :)

After that I really did turn my phone off and fell asleep almost instantly

Laura and Luke[in editing]Where stories live. Discover now