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"Laura?" a female voice said in a questioning tone almost to exact to realise who it was

"Hello who's this?" I asked

"You don't recognise my voice, the same voice you have the same DNA we share, Laura it's Charlotte" she replied

Charlotte, why is she answering beaus phone

"Where's beau?" I asked a bit flustered, I never wanted to have to speak to any of them again

"Just downstairs I can go tell him" Charlotte said

"Thanks" I replied

"Everything alright?" Luke asked

"Charlotte answered and she's just getting beau" I replied as Logan began crying, boy did that boy seem to have a lot to cry about

"Laura's on the phone, apparently you called her" Charlotte said in the back ground

"Hello Laura" beau said, I had missed hearing that voice so damn much

"Hey beau, what'd you want?" I asked

"Well I found out that my nephew and niece were born and so I called to say congratulations" beau replied

"How'd you find out?" I questioned

"Well, I can't say" beau responded

"Beau just tell me" I said

"Well when Luke left for LA he said he was going to see you but he had no clue about the twins and then we was texting me just before and sent a photo of them both" beau said as I sighed because Luke lied to me saying he hadn't spoken to beau

"Do you want to know their names?" I asked

"Well yeah, I don't want to just call them my nephew and niece when I meet them" beau replied

"Logan Riley, and Madeline Kat" I said

"What surname did you give them?" beau asked

"My own, Stuart. They deserve the surname of the person that'll be there their whole childhood" I replied

"But Luke's going to be there, and I plan on meeting them as well" beau said

"Whatever, are we done talking?" I asked

"Well I don't want it to be over" beau replied

"Bye beau, talk sometime maybe" I said

"I love you Laura and send my love to the twins" beau said as I hung up

"Jerk" I said bluntly to Luke taking Logan from him and settling down in my bedroom before grabbing Madeline and doing the same thing, except I shut my door


"Laura, open up what's wrong?" Luke asked from the other side of my door something he'd been doing for the last 20 minutes

"You are a liar Luke, and just go for a walk or something I can manage my babies without you" I replied

"So we are back to referring the babies as though they belong to you" Luke said as we both had a rise in anger

"They are mine, they have my surname, my blood and my features" I stated

"And it takes two people to create a child so Laura don't give me that bullshit" Luke said

"I suggest you leave Luke" I said

"Why Laura, what will you do?" Luke asked as I swung my door open, facing him with anger and clenching my fists

"You are a lying scum, you should never of entered my life, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" I said as I burst into tears as the arms of the guy I truly loved but said I hated wrapped themselves around me in a warm hug

I looked up at Luke as I sobbed and we both found ourselves leaning in, this wasn't going to end good



3 or 4 days in a row?! I'm so active I think it's my way of procrastinating to sleep and school work but anyways meh

Hope you enjoyed the small chapter :) I'm not sure I can update tomorrow because I have an assessment due Friday and I haven't even started it but I can't care less anymore

Vote, comment, and recommend please :)

-em xx

Laura and Luke[in editing]Where stories live. Discover now