New House same Girl

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Hi I'm Emily Howard. The emo freak everyone hates. I have no friends. So when we moved from long Beach California to Kansas it wasn't that big a deal.

I've never had any love. But I've never needed it. People are just plain haters.

Like I was saying, we moved. About a week ago. Just me and my dad. My mom left us when I was ten. I'm seventeen now.

He wanted a fresh start. I just wanted out. Yes, I'm very suicidal. But you would be to if you saw what I've went through.

So anyway we mover from NYC all the way to Kansas. Why? To get away from my old but still shitty life.


Now here I was standing in front of my new house. It was a pretty big house. The realtor said it goes all the way back to the 1800's.

"What do ya think?" My dad asked with a hopeful expression on his face. To tell the truth.. I hate it. It's to big. To many empty rooms.

But my dad was doing his best. And I didn't wanna disappoint him. "I love it dad." I said offering him a small smile.

"Go find your room I'll help with the moving." He instructed. I just nodded my head yes.

Oh yes, he said "go find your room". He said this before there were so many rooms. I would have an option.

Finding room

As soon as I stepped into the house I got a weird vibe. Almost like I was being watched. But I chose to ignore it and went to find my room.

I must've went through every damn room in the house. But I still couldn't find my room.

I decided that I would try to attic. I've always wanted my room in an attic anyway. But at our last house it was packed with boxes. But now with so many spare rooms I think I could deal with it.


I finished climbing the last step. When I got up to the attic I was amazed. It was huge.

There was already a bed in there. Even a dark red couch. There was a big window looking down to see everything. Even the woods that was now our property.

I walked in and also saw a closet. A huge walk in closet. The whole room was wooden. No sign of any need for paint. And I loved that.

There was a dark brown nightstand. Also a gray dresser. There was gray curtains hanging down from the window. So to add the light in I opened them.

The only problem there was no bathroom.

Dinner time

My dad and I have always been close. But when I started to grow up more we kinda just drifted apart.

But no matter what we would always sit down and have a family dinner. Even if it was just the two of us.

"So did you find a room yet?" He asked. "yes actually, dad we have so many other rooms and I love the attic." I told him. "So you want to live in the attic?" He asked.

"Only if that's alright." I said looking down. "Of course it is sweetie." He said making me get up and hug him.

He responded by hugging back. We loved each other but it was very rare if we ever hugged.


I was walking back up the stairs after dinner. I had to unpack still. As I got up the stairs more I felt like I was being watched again.

But then I heard the stairs creak behind me. Almost like someone was following me. So I darted up the stairs to my room.


After I was done freaking out. I ran up to my room. But the strangest thing. The feeling just followed me.

When I got up to my room I was in awe.

My band posters were all hung up.

My clothes all put away.

Everything was perfect.

I smelled the slightest scent of cologne. But before I got a good wiff it was gone.


Hey dad?" I asked him. "Yeah?" He also asked. "Did you or the packers unpack my room?" I asked him.

"No why?" He asked looking confused. "No reason." I said feeling weird before going back to my room.

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