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Emily pov

It was so hard saying goodbye to my dad. But I knew I'd have to keep on living. But it still hurt. And the saddest part .. I was living with a ghost who I might be falling for.

"Hey." He calmly said coming outta no where. "Hey." I snapped. I wasn't mad at him. But if I started to giggle then he would know how I really feel. And I wasn't ready for that.

"So we need some rules." He said shocking me. "Rules? In my house?" I asked. "No my house." He said. "Our house." I finished.

The new rules

"So what you made a little list or something?" I asked. "Yup, read it because I want space." He said before disappearing. What a jerk. Well a cute jerk.

I looked over the list

1. We share room

2. The basement and woods are MY space

3. The kitchen and living room are YOUR space

There were only those three rules but they were completely bull shit.

"Ya like?" He asked. "No not at all." I whined. "To bad this way we don't piss each other off." He said. To late. But I just nodded my head.


"Hey! Chris! I need to talk!" I shouted still not getting an answer from him. I respected his rules but I wanted to talk to him. Sadly, I couldn't find him anywhere.

I walked down the last step to the basement to see the light was on. "Chris?" I called when I suddenly felt an arm around my waist.

"I told you my space." He whined. "I needed to talk to you." I said still not turning to face him. "What? Haven't had enough of all this." He whispered into my ear making me shiver. "Just come up stairs."


"Ok I'm up now what?" He asked. "Sit!" I demanded. "Girl, I'm not your dog." He said trying to snap. I was about to laugh but kept a straight face.

He then finally sat down. "I respect your rules." I started. "But?" He asked. "But it's a big house and I get lonely." I said blushing.

"Oh, ok I get it, you want to spend time together?" He asked. "N-no I mean maybe... yes." I stuttered. "All you had to do was ask." He said getting up and taking my hand. "Really?" I asked. He just nodded his head.

Spending time together

"So what should we do?" I asked. "Well you know I got a few ideas." He said playing with the bottom of my shirt. Part of me liked it. But the other part shot him a death glare.

He lifted his hands up in a fake surrender. This I smiled at.

"Why don't we watch a movie?" He asked. "Ooo what kind?" I asked. "Horror." He said with a scary look in his eyes. I shook my head no.

"Come on it'll be fun." He teased. I thought for a moment. Before finally nodding my head yes.

Movie time

He picked out some creepy ass clown movie. I was trying to sit as far away from him as possible. But as the movie got scarier I found myself scooting closer to him.

He didn't seem to mind at all. The clown jumped out and I screamed. Chris just laughed and pulled me closer. "It's alright baby." He said. Wait... what? He just called me BABY!!!!

Wow I really do like a ghost.

I finally got even more scared and grabbed him even more. I looked up at his eyes to see him also staring at me. It was a moment I wanted to last forever.

We both started to lean closer. I made the first move and kissed him. I have never really kissed anyone. But this, this was something I've never felt before.

At first he was so cold. And it felt so refreshing when his lips were on mine. But then when things got more heated the coldness was gone. And we were left exploring the others mouth. It couldn't have been anymore better.

We both pulled away for air. Still staring at each other. I put my head back on his chest before falling asleep.

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