The Feeling

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Emily pov

I was on a huge sugar rush. So after dancing like a crazy person I decided to take a shower. It was a good choice. Until I fell on my ass.

It didn't hurt. But I couldn't stop laughing. I looked insane. I'm very surprised my dad didn't wake up. But then I got a that feeling again... like I was being watched.

After seeing my room decorated so perfect I wasn't that scared. But it was still kinda creepy.

After shower

I took a long ass shower. Which was much needed. I then started to walk back to my room.

I gasped again. The bed was made. And I know for a fact my dad is asleep and i didn't make it. "This. Is. Epic!" I gushed.

I was kinda scared so I took the time to walk around. Everything seemed alright. But just when I was about to go to bed I felt the presence again.

I didn't know what or who it was. But it seemed kind of comforting. If it made my bed and room then I really shouldn't be scared.

Then I smelled the cologne this time. It was so close. Almost like it was right next to me. "Mmm." I said taking in the scent.

On computer

Ok so yes we have only lived in this house for a day. But something is very off about it. So I decided to look up how to know if there is a ghost in your house.


1. Feel like your being watched

2. Sudden coldness

3. Faint smells

This was enough proof for me... I didn't even have to finish the list to know that we were in fact being haunted. Wanna know the weird part? I'm really not scared.

The next morning

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. That was weird because my dad had already gone to work. Usually I made my own breakfast.

"Dad?" I called down the stairs. No reply. "Dad!" I called again. Still no answer. So I went down stairs to see.

I stared in awe as I saw delicious pancakes on the table. "Holy shit!" I mumbled. At first I smelt the cologne but then it disappeared.

I noticed a piece of paper on the ground. I picked it up.

It read...

Basement 12:00

I looked at the time. Exactly 10:00. I had at least two hours. I know that wasn't from my dad. No, he doesnt write like that.

Getting dressed

After breakfast I went upstairs to get dressed. When I was going upstairs I saw the cutest guy standing right by my room. He had perfect brownish blackish hair. The brightest green eyes.

We just stood there staring at each other. Not moving. But right before my eyes he disappeared. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I ran up to my room to get dressed. His smell of cologne stayed.

In the basement

I have never liked basements. They always freaked me out. But something was telling me to listen to the note.

And that ghost guy I saw was so cute. But looked so broken.

I went down the stairs carefully. I saw that the light was on an very bright. Ok so it wasn't that scary.

I went to the middle of the room an saw another note that read...

Box left corner

I looked around. There were a lot of boxes already in here. I looked to the left corner. There was only one box over there. I went over to it. And on top I saw the note. That read...

Open it, watch video.

Video? What video?

I walked over to the box and opened it. I saw one single CD in there. I took it out and went to the small TV.


"There was a shooting on main road." A news guy said. "A whole family killed except there youngest son." The news guy said again. This was in the year 2004.

It then changed slides to an interview. Of a young 16 year old boy. "Christopher what happened? Is everything alright?" The camera people asked. He just flipped them off and went into what looked like my house.

Holy shit.

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