at my door

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Emily pov

Well here I was, getting ready for my first date with someone in a while. I looked in the mirror. This was the same black dress I wore on my first date with Chris. It almost brought a tear to my eye. But I caught myself. I couldn't do this I had to move on. Because that's what Chris would have wanted. Just then i heard a knock on my door. Let me rephrase that... my bedroom door. I knew it wasn't Steven because I hadn't let him in yet. I opened the door and gasped. Laying there and covered in blood was Steven. I was so shocked and scared I didn't know what to do. Then I noticed a rose on his chest that had obviously been placed there by someone. And I smelt the slight hint of cologne. I couldn't help but cry, not because I loved Steven but because I knew it was Chris. I didn't know why he did this but I kneeled down and cried. After I was done I decided to call the hospital because it was right. They were completely confused. But then they said that it wouldn't be my problem and they took the now dead Steven out. I let my anger take over me and drove all the way to the graveyard. I got out without roses like last time. I went all the way to Chris's grave. "ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY! HE WAS MY WAY TO MOVE ON WITH OUT YOU HERE! COME BACK AND THEN I CAN BE WITH YOU!!" I yelled but what I didn't know was that there was a young couple staring at me like I was crazy. I noticed this and it made me even more mad. "WHAT YOU HAVEN'T SEEN SOMEONE FUCKING CRY!!" GOD DAMMIT!" I mumbled kicking a tombstone. I ran out to my car and gripped the wheel. It wasn't that far from home but my anger was strong. I thought I would've crashed. But gladly I didn't. What happened was worse. When I got back home I stormed through the door. The second I touched the doorknob I was flooded with memories of me and Chris. Before I passed out. But before I closed my eyes I saw Chris leaning over me with a worried expression. Before everything went black.


I woke up on a couch. Not just a couch, the couch in the basement. I saw Chris! Holy shit did this mean he was back? Wait how did I get down here. I pases out in my room and now here I was in the basement. I was so worried but didn't think much of it. Instead I went upstairs to the kitchen. But I was shocked when on the table I saw orange juice and cookies. "Wow" I whispered. What is happening. I gladly ate the cookies before running up to my room. That whole situation was werid. What makes it weirder? I knew it was Chris doing all of it.

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