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Emily pov

One more hour of this hell whole then I could leave. I never thought working at a small, quiet diner could be so busy. It was like a living hell. I almost thought of taking up Chris's offer. But I couldn't. No, I had to move on with my life. Chris was a part of that. But so was this job. My dad wouldn't want me to lean on everyone for support. He would want me to keep living and working my hardest at life. That's just what I planned to do. And as much as I loved how cute Chris was to offer that... I needed to do a few things on my own. Right now I was bouncing around taking orders. I'll admit, I wasn't doing that bad for my first day at the job. It was so easy with mostly old people coming in. But still stressful at the same time. "What's a cute thing like you doing all alone?" An old man then asked me snapping me outta my thoughts. "Frank!" The woman next to him who I took to be his wife snapped. "Sorry about him dear he's such a player." She then said. "Oh no it's fine I'm sure he meant well." I said not wanting to make them feel bad. "What's your name dear?" The man asked. "Oh Emily." I said. "Well Emily why are you working when you could be out there getting high like other kids?" He asked. "I guess I'm not like other kids." I said. "What about your boyfriend. I take it you have one." The woman asked. "Yes I do, he's waiting for me at home." I said. "A girl like you deserves to be treated every now and then." She said with a wink. And like that they left. Well that was weird. But I'll have to admit. I was a little bit jealous of the happy color. Old and in wrinkles, yet they still had a love that everyone longs for. That made me sad knowing I could never have anything like that with Chris. I'll admit i-i might love him. But we can never be... that. As if to get me out of my horridly sad thoughts a man about my age strolled right through the door. It took everything in me not to drop my jaw. But I got a hold on myself. He had brown hair that swayed as he walked, dark green eyes that could draw you in with just one look, and as if to top it all off... his body was very amazing. I tried not to stare as he walked right past me and gave me a small smile. My heart began to flutter. But I then snapped myself out of it. I had to work for yet another twenty minutes. My hour wasn't up yet. I had to move around cleaning dishes, and taking the late night orders. But throughout the whole time I felt his eyes on me. Watching my every move. What a fucking stalker. He was starting to scare me. And as if on cue once again he left. His dark brown jacket brushed against me. Leaving me there wondering why he was watching me. Before I knew it my hour was finally over. "You did pretty good for your first day here." My manager Mandy said. "Thanks sir." I said and with that I left. I got outside to see a fimaliar face standing outside the door. It was the guy. From earlier. The one that kept stalking me. He stayed quiet as I walked by him to see a feeling Chris standing next to the laundry mat. "What's up?" I asked. He didn't even hesitate to pull me into a long passionate kiss. "I missed you that's what was up." He said. "I missed you too so much." I added before kissing him again. Chris then turned to the guy who seemed to be staring at me again. I knew it was me because he couldn't see Chris. "Is he bothering you?" Chris asked. "No it's ok baby he's just weird." I said grabbing his hand and sending the man a look before walking off with my ghostly boyfriend.

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