No Stay Here

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Emily pov

It was now dinner time. Well at least for me. See I finally got a job. It would be at a local diner. I was kinda excited... but I felt bad for leaving Chris all day long. But I would find ways to make it up to him. Like tonight.. I kind of have a surprise for him. I just really hoped he liked it. So as of right now I was running around the kitchen looking for food. Kind of like a wolf on a hunt. Except much much more sadder. This afternoon should be great.


I had finally found something to eat. Now to find Chris and get to that surprise. "Chris!" I called out all around the house. I squeaked slightly when he came up behind me and cuddled his head into the crook of my neck. I was so happy with him. "Yes beautiful?" He asked me. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked him hoping he'd say yes. "I would love to, come on." He said leading me to the couch. We sat down and started to cuddle as a scary movie started to show on the screen. Chris pulled me closer to him.

I love you

We were still cuddling on the couch.. when I finally got the confidence boost and said it. "Chris?" I asked. "Emily?" He also asked. "I-i love you." I told him not looking him in the eyes. He lifted my chin up so I was looking him in the eyes. He planted a soft, sweet kiss on my lips. "I love you too baby." He said. We instantly kissed again. But more harder this time. It's like our lips were made for each other or something. I really do love him. More than I can say.


It was now about 3 in the morning. We stayed up all night doing... uh ya know. Let's just say that couldn't have been better. His cold touch was actually very relaxing and gentle. He was now passed asleep next to me. I just sat there and smiled. But to be honest I was a bit afraid. I didn't know ghosts could sleep. I thought it was close to impossible to even date a ghost. And now there is one sleeping next to me? Damn this world is so weird. Gladly Chris doesn't have to live in it.

No Stay here

Shortly after being lost in thought Chris woke up. "That was amazing." He said. "Agreed. " I also said. He started to get up but I grabbed his hand and stopped him. "Where are you going?" I asked him. "Oh I didn't think you wanted me to stay up here." He said. "Your kidding right? Because after tonight i don't think I ever want to sleep alone again." I said making him smile. "So you don't want me to leave?" He asked. "No Stay here." I said patting the bed next to me so he would come sit down.


It was now time for me to get up to go to work at my new job. Chris didn't like me getting up. He even tried kidnapping me back to the bed... but once I came out in my waitress outfit his jaw almost dropped. "What? Does it look that bad?" I asked feeling nervous. "No... you look... amazing." He said making me blush. "Jesus Christ i love you Emily." He said before kissing me. "I love you too." I said. He always knew how to make me smile. And make me feel loved. He was so incredible.


I was about to leave for work when I heard Chris come up behind me. "Babe I gotta go." I said making him frown slightly. "Yes I know but.." he trailed off. "But?" I asked him. Just then he gave me a rose and kissed me on the cheek. I returned the favor by giving him a nice, long, passionate kiss on the lips. Man, he makes it hard to leave the house. "I'll come pick you up." He said still really close to my face. He always smells like mint. I just nodded my head and tuneed to leave for work.

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