seeing me

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Chris pov

I woke up to find the love of my life gone. But there was a note on my forehead. "Hope you liked our date had to get to work love ya." I said reading the note out loud. She never seemed to take a smile off my face. Even from the day we first met. Well now I had to find a way to entertain myself. I decided to go to the park. Just to hang out and watch human life for a bit. But as I was walking there I got stopped surprisingly. "Hey you walk home with Emily right?" He asked. Ah so this must be Steven. But wait how the fuck could he see me. I wanted to disappear and go back home but i decided to play it cool. "Uh yeah I'm her boyfriend." I said shaking his hand. His smile instantly dropped and mine appeared. No way he was getting MY Emily. "Oh man your lucky, she's hot." He said making my smile drop. "What did you just say?" I asked. "She's hot." He repeated slowly. I slapped him hard in the face and ran off. Once I was a safe distance away I disappeared. I don't even wanna know how he saw me. I don't even wanna know what is happening. But if he ever says ANYTHING about Emily again... well let's just say he won't have a tounge to do that with. "God DAMMIT!" I said screaming the last word as I kicked over a branch. "Why do you hate me huh?" I asked yelling to the sky. Anyone who came by would've that I was crazy. Hell I thought I was crazy. But that didn't stop me from going insane. "LIKE WHY!? WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?! FUCK YOU DAMN SKY!" I screamed once again before finally calming down. Damn I really needed a chill pill. I got so pissed that with out thinking about it I ran to the basement. I started to blare music and destroy all of my family memories. All except one. A family photo from Christmas. I remembered this day.


It was the year before they died. I was 15.

"Come now kids we're going to take a picture." An angel we called mother said. All of us kids gathered with our parents in front of the fire place. "Family forever!" We all called out. But even then something about saying the word forever made me cringe. I don't know if it's because forever was to strong of a word or if I knew in my gut something was bound to happen.

Flashback over

That was a pretty happy day. Nothing really went wrong. Well except when I fell on my ass from ice skating. I truly did love my family. But they were so far gone to Satan knows where. I don't know what happened. They could be truly gone into the air or right in front of me. One of the reasons I love Emily is because she reminds me of all of them. Like she seems to have a little piece of them inside her. I could tell her and my sister would be best friends because they both were bad asses but at the same time still loved to ogle over guys. She would think of my mother as her mother, because they both can't cook and they have similar brown hair. She would think of my dad like an uncle just because they're both easy to talk to and understanding. And finally she would think of my brother as her brother, because they were both judged in a world of hate and rage, but they both tried to look at the brighter side of things every now an then. I really do wish they were still around. But if we all were alive again I would've never met the love of my life. You have to way out both options. I love my family. But they're gone. And as if to heal what's been broken the last four years I have Emily now. And I couldn't be more happy. With a thought like that it seemed to settle all of my rage.

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