fine let's do it

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Emily pov

Who knew that you could get a pain in your stomach from crying so much. Or that your voice would hoses from screaming "COME BACK!" At the top of your lungs. Let's just say it's a good thing I dong have neighbors. I kept thinking I was sensing something. Like smelling his cologne, seeing objects move, the feeling of being watched, and seeing him out of the corner of my eye. But I knew it wasn't real. He was gone, and I was alone. But that couldn't stop me from living my life. My dad would've wanted it and so do I. So as if I was crazy I went to the graveyard on my day off. I haven't been here since my dad's death. Which surprised me. I pulled my car up and took a deep breath. It looked like a ghost town here. No cars, no people, no problems. At least that's the way I was gonna look at it. I got our of the car with my roses. I brought two for a reason. I walked over to where I remembered my dad was buried. I couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes. "Hey dad," I said in between sniffles. "I miss you and now I'm all alone and I don't know what to do," I said taking a breath. "You want me to live my life, but yet that's so hard without you leading me," I said again letting the tears fall. "And being alone sucks," I said again. "But the thing is I wasn't alone when you died, I was falling in love. And he was a great guy. You would've liked him. But he's gone. Just like you, just like mom, just like everyone else in my life," I stopped and looked around... still no one here to see me cry. Good. "Anyway I brought you this rose because well that's what people do right?" I sorta asked. "Anyway I have one more person to go see, so I love you and your memory will always carry on in my heart." I said while standing up and placing the rose down. And with one last look I walked over to his grave. It said "in loving memory of Chris, loving son, brother and friend." I sat down next to it. "You should know why I'm here, you left me ALL ALONE! WITH NO ONE! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME HOW COULD YOU!" I screamed to Chris's grave getting my anger out I didn't know I even had. I started to cry again. "I'm sorry, man I'm a pussy," I said with a chuckle. "I'll always love you Chris, I just with you were here." I said placing the rose down and walking away. "Emily." I heard something whisper. I looked back to see nothing. I felt weird so I turned around and walked faster. That was until i walked into a hard chest. "What the-" I was cut off by someone saying "well hello to you too." I recognized the voice and it did not make me happy. "Hello Steven, stalking me?" I asked with a smile. "No just visiting family." He said returning that smile. I hate to admit it but he is cute. "What's wrong you have been crying." He said brushing his hand against my cheek. "It's a graveyard your supposed to cry." I said dryly. He just stood there giving me the look that he didn't buy it. "Fine don't tell me." He said turning around. "No wait!" I called. "Yes?" He asked. "C-chris broke up with me." I said letting the tears fall. "I'm sorry." He said pulling me into a hug. And to our surprise i didn't pull away. In fact I could use a night of fun. "You still up for that date?" I asked him. He laughed a little before asking "your asking me out in a graveyard?" I just nodded my head carefully. "I'll pick you up tomorrow night." He said and with that he was gone. I felt the smile on my face disappear when I turned around to see Chris's grave actually gone. Like not there anymore.

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