8 hours of hell

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Chris pov

8 hours. 8 fucking hours she would be gone. Dammit. Work sucks. After those hours were up I would be able to go pick her up. So at least there's that. But last night was amazing. I haven't touched anyone like that in forever. At least that's what it feels like. It was so.. relaxing. Like that's all my mind needed to be some what ok again. I mean I'm dead. I'll never be perfect. But sex with Emily definitely did something. And now here I was alone in the woods lost in thought about last night.


I got back to our house. I didn't have to transport in there. I could use the door knob! Which doesn't sound that amazing. But I'm dead.. so I'm not supposed to be able to be allowed to touch anything. Especially after last night I don't know how Emily felt me. I swear that girls doing something to me. I'm not ready to tell her until I know for sure what is going on. But I'll figure it out. Then I'll tell her. Because why should I worry her if it's not a big deal. Or is it?

The ball

I went down to the basement once again. I walked right over to my old basketball ball. I picked it up and it didn't fall this time. I was holding it. In my hands. I was able to move the ball around and play with it. Just Like old times. But nothing is ever built to last because as soon as I was getting used to it the ball fell from my hands. That was still epic. I got to hold it. Maybe I should tell Emily. This could be huge. And I'm not quite sure what's even happening.

The impossible

It sounds crazy. Yes I know that. But I decided to make a list. Of everything that could be happening. Every possibility that is out there. Whether it's coming back to life or just a weird glitch I was bound to find out. So I spent at least ten minutes at my desk in the basement writing up a list. As I always say nothing is impossible. But the items on this list sounded crazy. And the fact that I could pick up the pen to write this list definitely says there's something going on. Now here's the list.


1. Coming back to life

2. Emily dying

3. I was never really dead

4. It's just a trick

5. Emily is changing me some how

6. My family is trying to talk to me some how

7. I'm leaving this world to go to hell

8. Emily is doing some thing and she was just a joke

9. I'm just a joke

10. I'm imagining it all.. there's nothing happening

11. The rules of being a spirit changed

12. I'm just crazy

13. Someone is doing a spell or something

14. I'm quick enough to pick items up


After making that list I decided I had some thinking to do. So I walked into my safe place to find a stranger there. It was a girl. She had long black hair and brown eyes. She almost looked like my sister. "Morgan?" I asked shocked calling my sister's name. "Chris." She said. "Chris something is happening what did you do?" She asked but right after that she was gone. I. Just. Saw. My. Sister. Mind blown. That's it I'm done. I'm crazy that's all it is. But if that was her what did she mean? Is there something here?

Family memories

I started walking back still shocked. I can't believe that just happened. I decided to go to the basement. To look at family photos. I saw a picture of my little sister. Yep that was definitely her. What was she even doing here. Since the four years of my death had passed I had never once seen my family. Not once. As far as I knew they were dead and gone. Well until now. But I was mad at them. I know it wasn't there fault. But I juts dint understand why they had to leave me.

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