slight problems

21 1 1

Chris pov

We finally pulled away from a very hot make out session. "What was that for?" I asked her. "For all the stress we've been through lately." She said pulling me into a hug. Dammit I really do love her. "I love you." I whispered in her ear. "I love you too." She said finally pulling away. "So you said we needed to talk?" I asked her. "Yeah um it's about Steven." She said looking down. Oh fuck. "What about that fag?" I asked with a little bit of anger. "Did he see you?" She asked backing away slowly. "Yes." I answered... now it was my turn to look down. "What the fuck! How?" She asked getting a little bit more angered. "I don't know. I was just walking and he came up to me and called you hot." This made her frown. "I know that but why did you slap him?" She asked. Now my anger was really there. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY DID I SLAP HIM?" I asked well more like yelled. "I MEAN WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SOLVE IT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" She yelled back. "FOR THE LAST TIME SWEETHEART WE'RE NOT NORMAL!" I yelled. "YES WE ARE!" She argued. "HOW!?" I asked still yelling. "Because we're both in love and that's pretty normal to me." She said almost in tears. I finally stopped being a jerk. "Your right." I mumbled. "What?" She asked. "I said your right." I said a little louder. "We found love even though all this bill shit, so yeah that's pretty normal. And I only slapped that guy because my love for you is not normal. Love may be normal but the feelings I have for you definitely aren't." I told her making her smile. "My feelings for you are way beyond normal." She said this time making me smile. "Well good we're even then." I told her making her smile. I could feel her heart beat going slightly faster. "Well we have slight problems." She said once I pulled her in my embrace. "What beautiful?" I asked her. "Well he called me hot." She said. This made me slightly jealous so I pulled her closely. "Well your mine and I wouldn't trade that for the world." I said picking her up. She giggled a little. Which was a huge turn on for me. I picked her up bridal style not being able to control myself and carried her upstairs. I kissed her passionately. As we both explored each other's mouths with our tounges. I started to be a tease and started to kiss down her neck. I then ripped off her shirt and peppered kisses down her stomach. As I was doing this she grabbed my hair and pulled a little. Damn she knew what would make me mad. I took off her bra and payed attention to her breasts before finally taking my shirt off. I took off my jeans along with hers and kissed around by her thighs. I finally took both of our underwear off. With out warning I placed my big erection inside of her. She didn't complain instead she just moaned my name's loudly. After both of us cumming we finally fell asleep in each others embrace. It was one of the best sleeps ever. We slept the whole night not moving from our position.

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