the fight that changed us

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Chris pov

I had been doing some thinking that Emily wouldn't like... "hey." She said. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked sensing something. "That loser Steven asked me out." She said shaking her head. This made me mad. So without second thought I disappeared home with Emily beside me. "What's wrong?" She asked. "That asswhole asked you out thats what's wrong." I told her  through clenched teeth. "Hey it's okay." She said trying to calm me down.  "No it's not." I said. "Yes it is only because I only love you." She said. "No i-i can't do this anymore Emily." I told her. "What?" She asked. "Us i- I just can't." I said. "Why?" She asked tears streaming down her face. Dammit she wasn't making it easier. I walked up to her and used my fingers to wipe her tears away. "Shh its okay." I told her. "Your leaving me?" She asked. "Yes baby, just for now just until I can figure out what's wrong with me." I told her also on the edge of crying. "We- we could do it together." She said crying again. "No you need a normal life, with a normal job and a normal boyfriend... I'll be back but for now I love you." I told her. "N-no please don't go." She begged. But I didn't say anything I just kissed her cheek before disappearing.

I loved her but I had to let her go for now.

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