hold me tight

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Emily pov

It had been a week since our amazing first date. Although we haven't decided what we were yet. Well no more of that. Today I'm asking. And with that confidence boost I Ran down the stairs. "Hey we need to talk." I called out to Chris knowing he would hear. "Yes beautiful?" He asked coming up behind me. "What are we?" I asked. "Well what do you wanna be?" He asked with a slight smirk. "Together?" I asked again. "You really wanna date a ghost?" He asked. "Y-yes." I said. "Ok your mine." He said making me smile.

The cooking comedian

It was now lunch time. I didn't really want anything. But Chris decided that I would in fact eat. And I would like it. "What are you even making?" I asked him. "Oh what? Just because I'm dead means I can't cook for my girlfriend?" He asked making me blush. I quickly got up to him and hugged him. "Now now boyfriend that's not what I meant." I said rubbing his back. He purred slightly but not before giving me the "fuck you" kind of death glare. I would've found it funny... if he weren't dead.

Go take a hike

Lunch was actually really good. But now here I was...lying around bored outta my mind. *Sigh*. "If your so bored, go take a hike." A voice said coming down the stairs. I knew it was Chris. "Ok come with me." I recommend. "No I don't wanna." He whined. "But you just said-" he cut me off. "I know what I said,but I never said I was bored." He said honestly. "Yes, but I'd imagine being a stalker would be very tiring." I shot back. He just smiled and picked me up as we walked out.


"I need a job." I whined. "Why baby? When I could just do everything for you." Chris said making me smile. "As much as I appreciate that, I wanna try an live a somewhat normal life." I said. "Honey, with me your life will never be normal." He shot with a wink. "Yeah considering it looks like I'm talking to myself... WHAT!" I said yelling at a stranger as chris just laughed. "Yep that was oh so normal." He replied with a smirk. I hit him in the arm also laughing. But stopped when I felt intense pleasure.


When we got back i made a decision. I'm remodeling MY room. "Chris?" I asked with a sweet voice. "Yes?" He also said with the same voice. "Can I redecorate our room?" I asked. "Let me think about that um.. no." He snapped. "But why?" I asked whining. "What do you even want to do?" He asked. "A paint job." I said sweetly again. "Look I don't care just don't make it hot pink." He said. "Yay! And ew I would never." I said making a face. "Haha." He said walking out. Cocky ass mother fucker. I'll show him.


I was quickly gonna run to the store to go and get paint. Yes, I'm painting tonight. "Ok I'll be back in a few!" I called out to wherever he was. "Not so fast." He said pulling me in for a kiss. "Now you can go." He said disappearing. Man, I loved that. When I got to the paint store I was in shock. So. Many. Colors. "Hi how may I help you?" A guy with long blonde hair asked. "Um paint obviously." I snapped because he was stupid. He quickly ignored me and walked over to the paint.

Hold me tight

I got back home a hour later. Yes, I picked out paint. A beautiful dark purple color. And what's even better... I knew Chris would hate it. "You took forever." He whined pulling me in for a hug. "Hey it's not my fault they had so many colors." I also said. " What did you pick?" He asked. " I'm to tired to explain." I whined going upstairs. I took a quick shower and went over to my bed. I was about to fall asleep when Chris came and got comfy right next to me. This was amazing just like him.

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