hey guys

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Hey guys!!! I kind of like just realised that I've been caught up in writing this book that I forgot to say hey. I wasn't trying to be rude. Anyway I really hope you guys are liking the book so far. It's definitely different. I mean I know I would but would you guys fall for a ghost like Chris? LET ME KNOW LEAVE A COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!😉 Anywag I think this book is coming together nicely. But like my other books I just wanted to let you all know that there will be drama building up. On chapter 25 just like my other 2 books. Which I would love if you would read. Also shout out to my bff dogsruleandsodoi. She is my main support for writing. Because I know how much she likes shipping people. and well she's got me into it as well. Even though she hasn't read even one of my books. Just kidding. Sorry guys I'm like really high right now. No not from drugs... from candy. But honestly I'm crazy anyway. So anyway back to the story... there will be a plot twist coming up and I hope you guys enjoy. Love you guys!!!!

- Katherine

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