the news

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Chris pov

I went to pick up Emily. She looked so tired and so stressed. I hated seeing her like this. But I liked Being able to go back into town. But when I picked Emily up I noticed this guy watching her. I wanted to go beat his ass. But Emily wasn't worried so I said nothing. We were now walking back to our house. Of course I had yet to tell her the news. I mean what if it's not a big deal? Why worry her for nothing? But then again I knew it would be wrong to keep something so big from the L-love of my life. That's right I said love. "So how was work?" I asked Emily grabbing her hand to hold. "It was... stressful." She said shaking her head. "What happened?" I asked her. "Well some old couple hit on me." She said and I couldn't help but laugh. "What?" She asked confused. "They both were hitting on you?" I asked in between laughter. Now it was her turn to laugh. "No just the old man." She said making me laugh a little more. "I guess I got some big competition." I said as both of us started to laugh again. Once we finally settled down she said "there was this one guy." "Okay?" I questioned. "He wouldn't stop staring at me." She said. "The one out by the wall?" I asked as my temper started to boil. "Y-yes." She said I could feel her getting scared so I pulled her close to me and she relaxed. "Sorry for scaring you baby." I told her. "I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it." She said in a hushed voice. "If you say so." I said before kissing her. "Hey Chris?" She asked. "yeah?" I also asked. "I love you." She said. It made my heart melt every time she said it. I don't care if it were the first or last time we said I love you. Because our love would last forever even in death. "I love you too." I told her and I could hear her heart skip a beat and I knew that those three words meant the same to her too. We started to walk again. Still holding hands. Once we got back i told her to sit down on the couch. "Look I have some... big news." I started. "okay go on." She said. "Being dead I can't usually pick up objects, or touch you, or cook." I started again. "But ever since I met you i could." I said again. "I don't know whats happening but something is definitely changing." I told her now waiting for a response. "Well I don't know what to say." She said. "What do you think is happening?" She asked. "I don't know." I told her looking down. She must've sensed my sadness. Because in that moment she came over grabbed my hands and tilted my chin up so I was looking at her. "Whatever is happening we will get through it together." She said. "You can't promise that." I told her. She looked down at her feet for a quick moment. Then when she looked up she said "I can promise that wanna know why?" She asked. "Sure." I told her. "Because I love you, I loved you yesterday and I'll still love you next week." She said this and I was so touched. That was the best thing anyone has ever said to me. "Your the best thing that's ever happened to me." I told her. I had to return the favor. But it was also true. She didn't seem to care I was dead. Or care that there was something changing. But that's okay. Because she only wanted me. And I only wanted her too. We kissed more and more. Things got really heated. So heated that we went up to the bedroom. She seemed so innocent but I'll tell you what in bed you wouldn't believe she was the same person. I've never been on cloud nine like this before. I'll spare you the sexy details. But let's just say I'm definitely in love.

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