my turn to plan

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Emily pov

It was now my first day off. From a new job. Which I didn't even know I would get. So you can tell why I'm happy. Today I was able to plan a date for me and Chris. I know he told me to stay outta the basement. But he said I could plan it anywhere. So that's his fault. He was still asleep. So I was able to sneak out and get dressed. Once I was finally dressed I headed down to the basement. I put down a red rug. Along with an old radio my dad used to have. I found a asking Alexandra CD. Not exactly the most romantic... but definitely one of the best bands ever. It wasn't a picnic like what he did. No I planned for us I dance a little like my dad and I used to do. And order a pizza. Then at the end of the night settle down and watch a movie. All in the basement. I quickly found a black blindfold and walked upstairs. "Oh Chris?" I called out like a bad kidnapper. "Chris?" I asked again. Then I noticed the ghost in the room sleeping on our bed. I couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness. "Mumfp" he Mumbled making me laugh more. He quickly got up once he noticed me walking into the room. "Hey what time is it?" He asked. "I don't know about 5 o clock." I said with a high pitched voice. Dammit this always happens when I'm hiding something. He raised a eyebrow and looked over to my back. "Whatcha got?" He asked trying to grab it. But o quickly grabbed him and tied it over his eyes. "What the fuck Emily what are you fucking doing?" He asked not scared just confused. "Just keep walking." I told him. We finally got to the basement. I made him wait without taking the blindfold off. I quickly started playing the music a little lower. Then I dimmed the lights. I finally walked back over to Chris and took the blindfold off. "Emily what the f-" he started but then stopped once he got a good look. "You did all this?" He asked as I just nodded my head yes. "You gave me such an amazing first date I figured I would return that favor." I told him as he pulled me in for a kiss. He then seemed to notice the music playing. "Would you like to dance?" He asked offering me his hand. "I'd love to." I answered. He walked me over to the carpet and we started to sway to the music. Holding each other close, I wanted to moment to last forever. It was silent. But a comfortable silence. "Your a really good dancer." Chris told me making me smile and think back to all the old memories. "Your not so bad yourself." I told him. "Where did you learn it?" He asked again. "My mom was a dancer and taught my dad a few things... which I then learned." I told him. He nodded his head and pulled me a little closer. Before kissing me passionately he said "I love you." "I love you too." I managed to say before he kissed me. "Maybe you could teach me a few moves?" He asked once we broke the kiss. "I don't think you need it your pretty good." I told him. "Trust me I need it." He said making me chuckle. "Okay." I said placing my hands on his shoulder and lifting my leg up high before dipping it back down. He then leaned in and kissed me. But not before dipping me and making me squeal. "I thought you couldn't dance?" I questioned. "Maybe I just wanted to see you dance for me." He said with a wink making me giggle a little bit. He raised his eyebrow at me again. "Oh good lord princess we're not gonna make it to the rest of the night." he said. I gave him a confused look on why he called me princess. But I understood what he meant when he picked me up in his embrace and held me close before running upstairs.

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