a date?

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Emily pov

I was at work yet again. Another boring day. Except I could feel that something would be different today. I knew exactly what that was when Steven walked in. "Hey girl." He said. "Uh this girl has a name ya know." I snapped. "Look I wanted to thank you for helping me the other day." He said smiling. "It's just what I do. You weren't much more special." He said again. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date?" He asked me. I laughed a little. "With you?" I asked him. "Yep." He simply said. "Look I don't know if you just forgot but my boyfriend kicked your ass just the other day. And I know he'd gladly do it again." I snapped yet again. "Exactly he's argessive so why be with me?" Steven asked. I found this unbelievable. He he pissed me off. "Look here asswhole I'm with him because I love him." I said. "You will change your mind." He said before walking out. That ass whole has got some nerve. Who does that. Just then Frank walked in. "Hey honey." He said. "Hey Frank." I said kindly to the old man. "Sit let's talk." He said. "Okay I need it." I told him. "Now what's wrong?" He asked. Damn he could read my mind. "Well this dooche bag Steven asked me out." I said. Frank gasped slightly. "But what about Chris?" He asked. "Exactly i have Chris which is why I said no." I said. "The boy probably didn't mean anything by it. Besides you are a beautiful girl." I blushed at what he said. We talked for a few more minutes before I had to get back to work. It would be nice to have a boyfriend to go on real dates with. But I was very happy with Chris and nothing would change that. Especially not some random guy asking me out. Chris and I have been through to much. And that's just one of the reasons i love him. And he loves me.

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