im dead inside

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Emily pov

I woke up. Well tried to. I just couldn't. My dad just died. And I didn't feel anything. I'm dead inside.

I finally got up and I smelt cologne and bacon. "What the fuck." I whispered remembering the ghost in my house. "Good morning to you too," Chris said.

"Mmmm." I mumbled. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked. "Your really gonna ask that?" I snapped. "Look I made you breakfast." He said changing the subject and handing me a plate.

"Great a ghost can cook thanks." I said smiling a bit. Just then he disappeared. Oh great it's to quiet. But then just before I knew it he was standing in front of me with a book.

"What am I supposed to do with that?" I asked. "Look when my family died I wrote down my emotions, it helped and... i think you should too." He said. Oh like hell I would. "Thanks but trust me I'm fine." I said pushing the book back.

"You may be right now but one day you will snap so just take it." He said. The saddest part was..he was right. So I took the book and went upstairs to my room with the book. As I sat it on my nightstand.

I layed on my bed lost in thought when I heard a knock on my door. "What the fuck do you want Chris?!" I yelled. "Come down you have someone here." He called up.

I wonder who was here.

"Go get it." Chris said. "You be quiet." I said pointing at him.

"Hello?" I asked. "Hi FBI miss Emily Howard's?" The guy asked showing me his id. "Yes." I said shaking his hand. "I'm officer Morrison now your dad just past recently.. correct?" He asked as I swallowed the tears and nodded my head yes.

"OK so do you have any other family you can stay with?" He asked. "Sorry no, but in a week I will be 18." I said. "OK mam just had to make sure you have a good day now." He said as I just smiled.

I then closer the door to see Chris there smiling. "What?" I asked. "You get to stay here... with me." He said sounding happy. "I have to keep on living life it's not for you ghostly don't get ahead of yourself." I said.

He just gave me a confused look. "Ghostly?" He asked. "K I'm going to the basement." I shouted behind me.

"What why?" He asked. "I need to find family memories for the..." I trailed off not wanting to finish that sentence. He seemed to know what I was saying because he just stared at me with a pained look.

It's almost like he cared about me. We walked down the stairs side by side in silence. He was so cold.

In basement

Once we got down the stairs I stopped. "I don't know which boxes are mine." I said. "Well most of mine are in the left part." Chris said. So I walked to the right part and began digging through the boxes.

After about five minutes of digging through them I found a huge album of family photos.

"Find anything?" Chris asked. "Yep I could use all of these." I said looking at a picture of me when I was five. "Was that you?" He asked me. "Used to be." I said. "You were cute." He said as I just mumbled a thanks.

Back upstairs

Chris had disappeared once we got upstairs. And I was now working on planning.... the.. funeral for m-my dad.

It was sad. But I didn't mind it because I needed the alone time. Just to get lost in thought. But then I smelt the now familiar but amazing smell of Chris's cologne.

"That looks good." He said talking about the flowers I ordered. "Thanks, what did they do for your funeral?" I asked feeling weird for saying that. "Well I had no loved ones so they just put me in a grave and left." He said.

I couldn't help it. This boy may have been dead. But he was just so broken. I got up and trapped him in a hug. Which he also hugged back.

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